Quote:And of course Kakashi is just like, 'what are you thinking' and Neshan and 'nanai, since both of them know he's actually a Mist-nin anyway, are like, 'well, of course he wants to bring those'. Heh.
Also, he wouldn't let useful equipment lie around, so he's probably insisted they take the Demon Brothers' breathing masks if they're going to Wave.
Neshan, I'll make clear, is, at this point in his career, basically one step short of being in Rock Lee's position - he's got just about enough chakra to do the wall-walking and other funky movement tricks at need. The gate-binding trick requires a fairly extensive network of tattooed seals, so that's not present, and without having had years of prep time he'll only have a sharply limited number of non-explosive notes available at any one point.
OTOH, he does have some of them, as well as a random scattering of all sorts of things that'd be seal-or-tool-based anyway, and his physical conditioning would be notable on a chuunin, because he has to rely on it so much - although at this point, the chakra-strength trick he taught Sakura won't have had time to make a difference. So, despite his attitude and natural habits, he's probably the most melee-focused in the squad, and will likely run out of ammunition before an opponent runs out of chakra.
Of course, what he can do with enough leadup time is... ^_^
Ja, -n
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."