Team Explosive Youth is the story of Shinobi Team Six - Maito Gai, Rock Lee, Uzumaki Naruto, and Maito Rikou, stet? Various avatar characters of denizens of these here boards we're talking on are scheduled to appear as background characters, including the local dimensional counterpart of the poor soul who got drafted to save a universe a couple over (that being the one where TGNH happens). Some of the other background/secondary characters scheduled for the later parts of TXY are DCs of the sailor senshi, and all of these planned minor-role types have been nagging at CD's muse - and everyone else's - for larger parts to play.
SSS is a sort of tongue-in-cheek take on what happens when you yank the three avatarial characters in TXY out of their native venue and feed them some fountain of youth water before dropping them smack dab in place of the canon Team 7.
That help?
Ja, -n
(Picturing Hinata's Curse Seal as looking like a particularly dramatic and decorative piece of pattern-welded steel, lord only knows why.)
((ETA: Specifically, the one shown here and used to illustrate this article.))
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Team Explosive Youth is the story of Shinobi Team Six - Maito Gai, Rock Lee, Uzumaki Naruto, and Maito Rikou, stet? Various avatar characters of denizens of these here boards we're talking on are scheduled to appear as background characters, including the local dimensional counterpart of the poor soul who got drafted to save a universe a couple over (that being the one where TGNH happens). Some of the other background/secondary characters scheduled for the later parts of TXY are DCs of the sailor senshi, and all of these planned minor-role types have been nagging at CD's muse - and everyone else's - for larger parts to play.
SSS is a sort of tongue-in-cheek take on what happens when you yank the three avatarial characters in TXY out of their native venue and feed them some fountain of youth water before dropping them smack dab in place of the canon Team 7.
That help?
Ja, -n
(Picturing Hinata's Curse Seal as looking like a particularly dramatic and decorative piece of pattern-welded steel, lord only knows why.)
((ETA: Specifically, the one shown here and used to illustrate this article.))
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."