When the fuzz cleared from Ino's mind she immediately glanced around, trying to figure out what her opponent had done, since why was obvious, in retrospect - he'd prepared for her, and likely all of his potential foes, the same way he'd done for Neji.
"It's called the Threshold of the Mind's Eye," said a voice she didn't recognize, and when she turned to face it it took her a moment to place why the speaker looked familiar. Neshan wasn't the tallest of her old Academy classmates, nor the sturdiest, but he came close in both categories and the older boy - young adult, really - looking her calmly in the eye was pretty obviously supposed to be a somewhat older version of her opponent. "A semi-permanent external seal jutsu, originally intended for use against various sorts of mind-reading genjutsu. It fell out of use when they did, and your family simply isn't numerous of influential enough to keep people familiar with it."
Belatedly, she realized that the flaring coat he was wearing was in the pattern assigned as part of a department head's uniform. "That's why you let me use the Shintenshin... I suppose it also blocks me from disengaging?"
He shook his head. "Nope. But, unless you hid only some of your study notes - which I'd be shocked at, since you'd have no reason to expect anyone to even look for them - none of the new jutsu you've learned are good enough to keep me from hammering you to a pulp once you break the link. Since the Threshold's effectiveness is, in large part, based on turning the matter into a battle of wills rather than chakra, sticking around is probably your best bet."
He was telling her that?! "You're that confident?" she asked.
He pushed his glasses up slightly. "Yes. The ninjutsu and genjutsu practicals always brought my academy grades down, you know that, but out here in the real world I can compensate more effectively, and given how good I am at expanding my own advantages and that Asuma-sensei's a pretty lousy teacher... Yes. I am that confident."
"Asuma-sensei is not incompetent!" she snapped, and tried to figure out just what the heck a 'battle of wills' was supposed to mean in this context.
"No, he's not," Neshan agreed. "But teaching isn't something he's really trained for - try comparing how much you learned when Iruka-sensei went around and did individual sessions with each student with how much you pick up from him in the same amount of time. The fact that he's got no real clue how to pass on what he knows doesn't mean he doesn't know it.
"Kakashi's even worse, actually, but I've always had to teach myself a lot of things anyway to stay even, so that hasn't slowed me down any."
"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"