Edited because: Fucking IE. Fucking laptops. Grr.
In story answer is that the Valentine War sort of exploded out of nowhere - it escalated very quickly from a relatively small beginning.
Here, though, things have been racheting up and up and up for some time; compare it to the Cuban Missile Crisis, say - no one is surprised that the shooting's started, although the Federation's audacity in targets might be worth an eyebrow or two. It's been clear for some time that the PLANTS were going to be fighting for their freedom, perhaps even their very survival, at some point in the next couple of years, and Lenore Zala didn't raise no slacker, stet?
Ja, -n
"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
Quote:Meta answer, because I want him in the thick of things and because being a pilot's... sort of who he is, y'know?
um, question, why is Athrun in uniform?
In story answer is that the Valentine War sort of exploded out of nowhere - it escalated very quickly from a relatively small beginning.
Here, though, things have been racheting up and up and up for some time; compare it to the Cuban Missile Crisis, say - no one is surprised that the shooting's started, although the Federation's audacity in targets might be worth an eyebrow or two. It's been clear for some time that the PLANTS were going to be fighting for their freedom, perhaps even their very survival, at some point in the next couple of years, and Lenore Zala didn't raise no slacker, stet?
Quote:Yeah, I'm afraid that, for the sake of my convenience and peace of mind, those members of the le Creuset Team who got didn't get developed in the original series were the ones who were ready and waiting when the assault went off... and got splashed blunting it. Some of them might have bailed out in time, I won't rule that out, but they won't be showing up in this story.
Also, Athrun's redcoat team also included a guy named Rusty (though perhaps he died in the Federation's attack, the guy's more of a redshirt than a redcoat. 8P )
Quote:It'll be a while - they did go on a date, once, then shrugged and decided that there just wasn't any chemistry, so you needn't worry about that. I'm saving that flavor of squick for the Escaflowne piece.
So, I wonder how long it'll be before Kira and Cagalli discover their link.
Ja, -n
"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"