Strange, I have never read Undocumented Features, even thoug I have read some of the other stuff.
As to my writing, I still have the pieces of paper that I wrote on in fifth grade. They might not be stories, but background and data sheets(bios, equipment, ships). Long before the internet was around.
Wheee. Some of this stuff I came up with makes me wonder....
Hovering above a placid ocean is a giant roller coaster. The roller coaster car stops when it is almost at sea leve. At that time a talking dolphin breaks the surface and answers questions and offers wisdom. After getting answers, the car continues on to the end of the ride.
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
As to my writing, I still have the pieces of paper that I wrote on in fifth grade. They might not be stories, but background and data sheets(bios, equipment, ships). Long before the internet was around.
Wheee. Some of this stuff I came up with makes me wonder....
Hovering above a placid ocean is a giant roller coaster. The roller coaster car stops when it is almost at sea leve. At that time a talking dolphin breaks the surface and answers questions and offers wisdom. After getting answers, the car continues on to the end of the ride.
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor