With that goes... explain who is talking. Its okay when two charicters are bickering or commenting back and forth to have a few lines that are just back and forth comment that stop with the lables for a bit.. but I've seen back and forths that stop making sense after a while, far to often. I've seen 3 or more charicter converse rabid fire and none of them are labled lines... there just isn't any useful indication of ownership of that spoken phrase.
Its the 'Rabbit Season', "Duck Season" cartoons... without the clear voices or visual charicters to tell who said what. In these this type of 'Stupid Writer's Tricks' the reader ends up as confused as Elmer Fudd, only we can't shoot the target we want to shoot. The writer.
Its the 'Rabbit Season', "Duck Season" cartoons... without the clear voices or visual charicters to tell who said what. In these this type of 'Stupid Writer's Tricks' the reader ends up as confused as Elmer Fudd, only we can't shoot the target we want to shoot. The writer.