Quote:To this argument, I offer a simple counter - if a Regult is cheap, how much would it cost to build an armored spacesuit - not even neccessarily powered, since half the point of them being Zentradi is that they don't need anything past their bare hands to go toe to toe with mecha (granted, on those terms, they'd lose, but...) - to roughly the same standards? We're talking about comperable space movement, seperate weapons, and at most a quarter of the dry mass - probably closer to an eighth.
The point of the Regult system was its massive cheapitude. *snip good points*
That's for a grunt trooper, of course. The officer armors are powered and possibly have built in weapons (a la Knight Sabers), besides being infinitely tougher and faster.
Quote:Mmm. You've got a point about the cube-square law and biology thereof, but I think that the Precursors wouldn't have bothered to make their alterations stable and fully inheritable if it was simpler to do otherwise - remember, they weren't supposed to breed, just crank out a new batch of clones.
So unless the refugees held on to micronization tech, or unless it's a seriously different situation...
From what I understand of genetics, a temporary 'breed-like' change is a lot easier than full speciation. 'Galactic Microns' might well have kept the Zentradi biochemistry at the same time as they were losing the specific alterations that made them such giants...
Oh, and for the aliens - yes, there are a few, but all of steam-age-or-better ones within reach of Earth were known to the Elders and ended up picking sides at one point or another during the showdown. With their conditioning forbidding contact with 'wild' cultures, the Zentradi have absolutely no reason to care one way or the other about them, so they're all just on the ground knapping flint and dealing with the band of human hunters across the valley, or whatever.
Quote:Hm. Doesn't sound that bad to me, actually, and it seems like a logical construction of the language... Especially since one of the things that's been hovering in the back of my mind is to actually show how and why space ops are different from just 'aircraft carriers in space.'
-Can we please, this time around, say "Space Navy" instead of "Spacy?" God, "Robotech Defense Force" actually sounded better.
How about 'Skywatch' instead?
Quote:Ah? Did not know that. Fond as I am of 7 and Zero, my only actual exposure to the original was through the Robotech filter - and some years ago to boot.
-The spelling "Zentraedi" is unique to Robotech.
Anyway, correction noted.
Quote:*Magic 8 Ball* Answer unclear. Take a poll. */Magic 8 Ball*
-Do the Zentradi ships still look like biotech, without actually being biotech? (A friend just the other day reminisced about Breetai's flagship as a "giant green space turd.")
Ja, -n
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."