Quote:I did some rethinking once I started coming back to this after the initial burst of enthusiasm had faded. So, yeah, there are going to be no small number of differences from the earlier discussion, but I promise that I've thought carefully about at least most of them. ^_^
Wait, I thought Estavan was in the air - or has the call for pilots not happened yet? Also, if ARMD-03 is being engaged and needs support, which are the three in low orbit for the rendevous, 00 though 02?
Off the top of my head, the biggest difference is a fairly serious alteration of the Macross's technical design. It still has the same, ah, lines and profile, but I reconsidered the third parasite platform and scaled it down quite a bit - mostly because my sources say that Saturn's rings are only a kilometer or two thick, which means that they wouldn't be big enough to fit the battle I had in mind if I used the 9km version we discussed to start with. Two kilometers is still a bit large, but I really can't see a way to justify having a capital ship like the Macross-that-was being smaller, in proportion, than a Nimitz class - and since they're three hundred meters and change...
Those who disagree with any of these changes I'm pulling are welcome to sign up as staff writers for the series and write their own versions into canon. I promise to accomodate them. ^_^
Ja, -n
"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"