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Writercon Kerfluffle.
Re: Writercon Kerfluffle.
Whedon has repeatedly said he's a feminist, and has admitted to being a rather odd one.
It aren't the chicks who turn Xander gay (something that he is rumored to have been considering himself before going with Willow instead) who are perverting the creators vision its the writers who turn Xander from zeppo to superhero or turn Willow back straight who are distorting the fandom.
Actually, it was Xander or Willow, and they were warned during the filming of S2 that it would happen. It was basically decided to go with Willow because of demographics and the fact that Xander was more valuable as an everyman than the token gay guy.
As for 'perverting the creator's vision', I think that's a bit unfair, don't you? I don't think that slashing up Xander is any more odd than making Willow hop the fence back.
And considering the entire Buffyverse is based on teenaged girls getting superpowers out of some cosmic lottery, and one where people get odd superpowers out of nowhere, buffing up Xander isn't *that* odd. I confess to being more suprised that he went the whole series essentially mundane - he's the exception to Whedon's usual Modus Operandi.

But yes, I find the extreme pro-slash/anti-het and/or pro-het/anti-slash nutjobs to be downright scary at times.
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
[Image: Con.gif]

Messages In This Thread
Writercon Kerfluffle. - by jpub - 08-01-2006, 05:56 PM
Re: Writercon Kerfluffle. - by Loki Laufeyjarson - 08-01-2006, 06:24 PM
Re: Writercon Kerfluffle. - by jpub - 08-01-2006, 07:44 PM
Re: Writercon Kerfluffle. - by Kokuten - 08-01-2006, 11:08 PM

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