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short - QtR: A Nest for Ravens
upon a mountain
Liam's an OC - an oldschool (pre-2004 Nerf) World of Darkness werecreature (the Corax are were-ravens) - of mine.
As for expanding this ... no definite plans. I'll be likely to scribble down a segment whenever I feel like it, but that's about it.
Sort of like so:

Liam had been about to either start climbing, or - seeing as the walls didn't look to have too many handholds despite being rough stone - change and fly out of wherever this hole the group of 'Ravens' had been deposited was, but was halted by a grating noise along with the sensation of motion that followed immediately.
The floor was rising.
He wasn't the only one feeling decidedly uneasy about the situation. Actually, the one member of their little murder who didn't seem even remotely startled by their confinement suddenly becoming an elevator was the Lovegood girl.
Then again, with the sort of impression he'd gotten off her this was harld surprising in and off itself. Last time he'd come across someone like that, they'd been a member of Clan Malkavian. If it weren't for the lack of reaction to the sun and the obvious fact that she _was_ apparently alive, he'd have immediately assumed she was one as well.
"I don't suppose any of you are still armed?" came from Amanda, who'd been forced to stop leaning against the wall by the onset of motion, and now stood roughly in the center of the platform, arms crossed and looking upwards.
Unfortunately, she'd hit upon a point that he'd himself noticed, and had hoped it only applied to him. He'd checked first thing upon waking, and while he'd kept things like his wallet and assorted knick-knacks his holdout and dirk were conspicous in their absence.
On the other hand, the industrial strength pepper spray dispenser was still there, and if worse came to worse ...
... well, despite his breed's hybrid form being comparatively awkward, a were-creature was never unarmed.
"I have no need of such," the blue cloaked Raven (as opposed to the tweed wearing blue _skinned_ one) said.
"Yes, but witches and werebeasts need not apply," Liam snerked.
"That's discrimination, that is," Lovegood chimed in from the side.
"Rrright," he blinked. "Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?"
"Who?" Darkholme inquired.
They were momentarily blinded by the light, even as the platform they were on shuddered to a halt, finally reaching the top of the pit/shaft/what have you.
When that ceased to be a problem as their eyes adapted, some quicker than others, they were treated to a sight that would not be forgotten quickly.
The platform sat in the center of a more than sizable octagonal floor, at the corners of which pillars rose a fair sixty feet into the air. An octagon of stone rested on top of those pillars as well, though unlike the floor of this odd place, it was not a slab. A hollow outline, rather, so that the sky could be seen thought the middle of it.
What was breathtaking, though, was that which could be seen through the spaces in-between the pillars.
Because, as normal as it was to see sky above you, one rarely expects to be able to look around and see nothing _but_ that, and a sea of rolling clouds.

When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm

Messages In This Thread
short - QtR: A Nest for Ravens - by Rieverre - 07-15-2006, 08:29 PM
Re: short - QtR: A Nest for Ravens - by Valles - 07-15-2006, 09:11 PM
Re: short - QtR: A Nest for Ravens - by Rieverre - 07-15-2006, 09:23 PM
upon a mountain - by Rieverre - 07-20-2006, 11:36 PM
Re: upon a mountain - by ClassicDrogn - 07-21-2006, 01:30 AM

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