I think that Relatively Absent has gotten a recent revision. At least on chapter 9, according to the one of the FukuFics blurbs.
And yes, having RAALS resurrected would make my year.
Other than that?
Hmm... Sailor Moon: Millenials, definitely.
Oh, Robert Haynie's Girl Days.
Ritsuko's Problem (lemon, but I'll post the link if asked)
The Bubblegum Zone, although to be fair Bert has finally posted a semi-status update on his page saying there could possibly be a BZ update soon.
I know there's more, but I can't remember them.*********
Touched By His Noodly Appendage
And yes, having RAALS resurrected would make my year.
Other than that?
Hmm... Sailor Moon: Millenials, definitely.
Oh, Robert Haynie's Girl Days.
Ritsuko's Problem (lemon, but I'll post the link if asked)
The Bubblegum Zone, although to be fair Bert has finally posted a semi-status update on his page saying there could possibly be a BZ update soon.
I know there's more, but I can't remember them.*********
Touched By His Noodly Appendage