Quote:Kegs generally aren't rolled either, since the contents are under pressure and shaking them up can make for a disaster once the beer tap is put in place. Usually their carried by hand or by handtruck.
"singing loudly and rolling kegs of beer" (barrel could, again, be technically correct, but keg is common usage specifically for barrels containing beer)
Quote:Spelling mistake aside, this is actually poor English. The original is better because it doesn't separate the noun from the verb. It's not actually incorrect to do it either way, but the sentence is stronger with the adjective after the verb.
"breifly abandoned"
Quote:The ellipsis (...) should be followed by a period inside the quotation mark, like this: "ohmygodmygodmygodmygod.
"You're not hurt or anything?" - also, no puntuation trailing the quotation mark.
Ebony the Black Dragon
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."