It doesn't precisely count as staying on topic, but someone -- I'm not sure who -- did a bunch of "excerpts" from The Lord of the Rings as written by different authors. Your plot bunny reminded me of one of my favorites: the Raymond Chandler version.
Frodo Baggins? said the old man in the doorway, rain dripping from his oversized hat with all the ease of a dwarf burrowing after gold.
Thats the name on the door. Guess Im gullible enough to believe what it says about me.
The old man came in and dripped water on the earth floor. Added a touch of class, so I didnt complain.
Frodo, youve got a problem.
I pay my taxes, and Im clean with the Rangers. Whats my problem?
Bilbo shafted you with that heirloom. Gold ring? Gold ringer, more like.
A dud, huh. Cant say Im surprised.
If it was a dud, you wouldnt have a problem. Your problem is that this little heirloom has a history, a history with a pearl-handled stiletto in the back. It goes back all the way through the biggest string of mugs you find as wallpaper on Minas Tiriths finest. Goes all the way back to Night-Time Sauron.
Of course, the Gene Roddenberry version is even funnier.... "The Halflings, cap'n; they will na take the strain!" "Boromir, put on that red armour...."
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Frodo Baggins? said the old man in the doorway, rain dripping from his oversized hat with all the ease of a dwarf burrowing after gold.
Thats the name on the door. Guess Im gullible enough to believe what it says about me.
The old man came in and dripped water on the earth floor. Added a touch of class, so I didnt complain.
Frodo, youve got a problem.
I pay my taxes, and Im clean with the Rangers. Whats my problem?
Bilbo shafted you with that heirloom. Gold ring? Gold ringer, more like.
A dud, huh. Cant say Im surprised.
If it was a dud, you wouldnt have a problem. Your problem is that this little heirloom has a history, a history with a pearl-handled stiletto in the back. It goes back all the way through the biggest string of mugs you find as wallpaper on Minas Tiriths finest. Goes all the way back to Night-Time Sauron.
Of course, the Gene Roddenberry version is even funnier.... "The Halflings, cap'n; they will na take the strain!" "Boromir, put on that red armour...."
Quote:No! Not that! Don't let anything delay BSBW any more!
I suppose I could do something with it, but that would mean delaying BSBW even more.
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.