Quote:The drugs you have a point on. Computer chips are, IIRC, a low-bulk commodity, and so might be small enough to go through The Well. I don't know about the real Nerima, but the version we're discussing is a sort of 'general anime crossover land', which means that at least one major defense contractor has their development offices inside the ring... And, from the company's name, Mishima Heavy Industries, that would likely include being able to produce armored vehicles on site. They might or might not have a factory complex in the area, I don't think the Nuku-Nuku anime ever said.
They probably don't have a refinery or oil imports for that matter, they probably lack a chip manufacturing plant, and IIRC Neremia is a mostly residential area so they porbably don't have car factories or other heavy machinery producers. What about Pharamasuticals or the companies that supply the machinery for Pharamsuticals? Sure they probably have a stockpile but that is going to run out at some point.
Quote:Nope. It's smaller than the given size, but also non-random. I'd hold out hope. ^_^
Neremia has more resources but they are also spread among more people. However it has been calculated that a random sample of 1 million people should be enough to keep modern tech going, or at least something close to it and rebuild any losses in a generation or two. So Neremia shouldn't have too many problems.
Ja, -n
"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"