Jinx999... there in lies the point of their expanding empires. They took over larger and large areas... sending new captives and such to sacrifice. So more food... that source dried up they took over another area. Yes, they ate other stuff... but human flesh supplimented their diets. It also dropped the population a bit. They mostly ate corn and the like. It wasn't perfect, but the system was efffective enough.
Napalm is not fun for the other guy... napalm plus metal armor or burnable shields/armor is worse. That and if your in a helicopter a few hundred feat up... they can't hit you anyway... anything that gets up that far will lose all penitration. When all else fails.. carpet bombing hits hidden targets.
The controling the empire thing is why I suggested Austriala... lots of land and almost no one there to deal with. They have airconditioning technology. Air conditioners make Australia livable. A empire in a land no one will go to on purpose... it was a prison conlony for a reason.
The trick is turtling up Nerima so you don't get ever get over run in the first place. The tech advanage is an enourmous asset in this. Hidden cameras are tireless sentries that the invaders don't even know are there. Radio headsets will make comunications in an attack instant. The fact they need to put up 'Please do not break this wall' signs shows how dangerous the locals are... which should confuse any literate people coming into the area.
Another advantage is that the Nermites won't have nearly as much problem exepting non humans as the rest of the country. This means they can get nonpychotic entities to help/live there. Meaning magic will get an easier place there... so as long as they are not killing/raping people or practicing necromacy too much you can let them acclimatize to the place. Meaning that a large portion of possible skilled non humans could stay, and they wouldn't automatically get driven out the first time they start/end up in a bar brawl or something.
Nerima is suprizingly tollerant of the weird... few other places will clap as readily as the Nermites if mind control magic is used to make jerks and idiots beat themsleves up. If a somewhat terrifing demon gets attacked for no reason, its far more likely it will get a chance to be listened to. Its one of the few places where the locals may beat up the human in a fight and leave the demon alone. That and a demon can get people to understand the concept of it owning property and land.
Nerimites also understand snack food. Long lasting, yummy foods that resist weather and are cheap. Potato chips (salty and crunchy) are likely to sell well. Nerima can trade for supllies. While someone will try to invade... that grandmothers at random can beat up 20-50 guys on their own will make them a rather hard group to get a foot hold in... before the military shows up.
Napalm is not fun for the other guy... napalm plus metal armor or burnable shields/armor is worse. That and if your in a helicopter a few hundred feat up... they can't hit you anyway... anything that gets up that far will lose all penitration. When all else fails.. carpet bombing hits hidden targets.
The controling the empire thing is why I suggested Austriala... lots of land and almost no one there to deal with. They have airconditioning technology. Air conditioners make Australia livable. A empire in a land no one will go to on purpose... it was a prison conlony for a reason.
The trick is turtling up Nerima so you don't get ever get over run in the first place. The tech advanage is an enourmous asset in this. Hidden cameras are tireless sentries that the invaders don't even know are there. Radio headsets will make comunications in an attack instant. The fact they need to put up 'Please do not break this wall' signs shows how dangerous the locals are... which should confuse any literate people coming into the area.
Another advantage is that the Nermites won't have nearly as much problem exepting non humans as the rest of the country. This means they can get nonpychotic entities to help/live there. Meaning magic will get an easier place there... so as long as they are not killing/raping people or practicing necromacy too much you can let them acclimatize to the place. Meaning that a large portion of possible skilled non humans could stay, and they wouldn't automatically get driven out the first time they start/end up in a bar brawl or something.
Nerima is suprizingly tollerant of the weird... few other places will clap as readily as the Nermites if mind control magic is used to make jerks and idiots beat themsleves up. If a somewhat terrifing demon gets attacked for no reason, its far more likely it will get a chance to be listened to. Its one of the few places where the locals may beat up the human in a fight and leave the demon alone. That and a demon can get people to understand the concept of it owning property and land.
Nerimites also understand snack food. Long lasting, yummy foods that resist weather and are cheap. Potato chips (salty and crunchy) are likely to sell well. Nerima can trade for supllies. While someone will try to invade... that grandmothers at random can beat up 20-50 guys on their own will make them a rather hard group to get a foot hold in... before the military shows up.