Oddly enough, I was thinking about something along the same lines a wekk or so back.
Glory turns up, the consequences of the Key being used are made clear to the Scoobies, who discover Dawn's identity - none of which is known to Glory, who's basically decent but thinks it's just some artifact that'll open a momentary portal for her and is too messed up by the environmental difficulties to do anything but take the shortest route through obstacles. (instead of an arrogant cow who doesn't value human life one little bit, IMHO).
And then Dawn, faced with Glory, accuses her of trying to kill her and destroy the universe, only to get a puzzled reaction from Glory. Who now decides that she obviously needs to get more information because these kids definitely have the wrong idea. And grabs Dawn to find out where all this notion of world-obliteration and human sacrifice comes from.
And oddly enough, they bond and conclude that they are equally confused by the whole situation. Naturally no one else (Ben, Buffy, Scoobies, Glory's minions) likes this outcome one little bit...
And Glory is still slowly losing her mind...
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Glory turns up, the consequences of the Key being used are made clear to the Scoobies, who discover Dawn's identity - none of which is known to Glory, who's basically decent but thinks it's just some artifact that'll open a momentary portal for her and is too messed up by the environmental difficulties to do anything but take the shortest route through obstacles. (instead of an arrogant cow who doesn't value human life one little bit, IMHO).
And then Dawn, faced with Glory, accuses her of trying to kill her and destroy the universe, only to get a puzzled reaction from Glory. Who now decides that she obviously needs to get more information because these kids definitely have the wrong idea. And grabs Dawn to find out where all this notion of world-obliteration and human sacrifice comes from.
And oddly enough, they bond and conclude that they are equally confused by the whole situation. Naturally no one else (Ben, Buffy, Scoobies, Glory's minions) likes this outcome one little bit...
And Glory is still slowly losing her mind...
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.