I'd envisage a moment's shocked silence and then Naruto (IIRC correctly, the only one who got least mauled) going: "Sugoi! How'd you do that!?"
The trouble with questioning Neshan at this point, I would have thought, is that:
a) they have no reason to believe that he knows more than they do about the other Sakura (although Sakura after reflection, might ask what could have made her turn out like that)
and b) there are other priorities, like getting themselves patched up
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
The trouble with questioning Neshan at this point, I would have thought, is that:
a) they have no reason to believe that he knows more than they do about the other Sakura (although Sakura after reflection, might ask what could have made her turn out like that)
and b) there are other priorities, like getting themselves patched up
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.