Quote:Actually, what that leads my mind back to is my theory that most of Itachi's 'inhuman speed' and 'monsterous chakra' are a result of his borrowing a trick from Rurouni Kenshin's Kurogasa - using self-hypnosis to control and harness a form of 'hysterical strength'. It would, among other things, explain why his endurance seems so minimal for a shinobi of his nominal level.
Also, I'd think that the modification would HAVE to extend in some way to the ability to process visual information and derive useful data from it, if only because of the extraordinary amount of detail any normal person can perceive with practice that would ordinarily go unnoticed - especially (tying back in again) under hypnosis, though there's always the question of whether hypnotically recalled details are actually real, or recreated from the imagination of the one hypnotised based on what real details they have.
'Modification to processing' - is this supposed to apply to the Byakugan or the Sharingan? Either way, I do believe that there's at least something to this effect going on behind the commas - all I'm saying is that I think that it's plausible that the kind of upgrades needed to give full attention to what's essentially a complete sphere of vision could also be concentrated into a normal, human, 'less than ninety degrees' field of view and end up creating the kind of effects we've seen from the Sharingan.
Incidentally, I'm going to be using the other version in TGNH, since I'd already decided that the Sharingan in that universe grew out of the melding of a clan with illusiory doujutsu with another who could pull off the 'see and record' function, slightly weakening both traits in the process.
The idea that the Mangekyou lets its possessor generate ninjutsu as well as genjutsu appeals to me because it neatly explains Kakashi's otherwise inconsistent 'space warping' trick. It also fits well with my jutsu type definitions and the nature its supposed prototype, the Byakugan. See, bouncing chakra sonar off of things would definitely be a ninjutsu, which means that, when the Madoiringan was spun off of the Byakugan, it would also logically be capable of projecting chakra at neutral targets - doujutsu ninjutsu. If, however, there's an aspect of chakra behavior that lets genjutsu, er, have an easier time 'sticking' to their target, then the way those functions became weaker after being mixed with the Namishagan would make perfect sense, since some of the genetic factors that let the eyes generate and project with the neccessary force/intensity for ninjutsu were lost making room for the Namishagan's alterations to the optic nerve. Hence, why using the 'Mangekyou' - the full, original function of the Madoiringan - hurts so much, and damages vision the way it does.
Ja, -n
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."