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DEEP HURTING!!! (Belldandy and the MST3000 Crew)
Re: DEEP HURTING!!! (Belldandy and the MST3000 Crew)
... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... *...

[SOL Bridge. The mood is, to put it slightly, low. Belldandy is weeping openly as Mike tries to comfort her. The bots are wandering back and forth angrily.]

CROW: Let me make a correction. I used to like Robotech. Now...
MIKE: Now?
CROW: Now I hate it with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns!! Curse you, Presley H. Cannady, for crushing a young 'bot's dreams! Curse you!
TOM: [furiously] Did you notice that we got sent Act 1, Book 2, Episode 5, Chapter 10? There must be hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of_chapters of this thing out there! You want a look at the future of fanfic? Think of a boot stomping on a 'bot's face, FOREVER!
MIKE: Yes, Belldandy?
BELLDANDY: I don't think I can stay any longer. Especially not if Dr. Forrester ships another piece of the New Era Sagas up here. I'm really sorry, but --
MIKE: [holding up a hand to forestall her] Belldandy, I don't blame you for a second. Okay. Um... I, Mike Nelson of Happy Temps, hereby release the goddess Belldandy from her contract. How's that?
BELLDANDY: [smiling tearfully] Thank you, Mike.

[She leans over and kisses him on the cheek, momentarily stunning him. She then heads over to the mirror.]

CROW: Er, well... bye!
TOM: Don't be a stranger, Bell!
BELLDANDY: Goodbye! And good luck! You'll all return to Earth someday; it is fated!

[She steps back into the mirror and vanishes.]

TOM: I don't know about you guys, but from now on I'm going to feel reeeeeal nervous about getting dressed in front of a mirror.
CROW: Who cares? She said we're going to go to Earth after all! Yes!
TOM: Relax, Crow. Maybe she meant the satellite's orbit will decay and we'll plunge groundward and explode like an atom bomb upon impact.
CROW: Oh. Well, that'll be cool too.
MIKE: [suddenly snapping out of his trance] You know, it's too bad Belldandy had to leave, and we didn't get to wish for the satellite to go back home...

[Mike sits on a convenient stool, picking up a microphone that happened to be sitting on the table. The lights dim except for one spotlight shining on him. Cambot starts a slow zoom in.]

MIKE: ... But I still feel almost immeasurably enriched by this whole experience. [pointing with the microphone at Cambot] What do you, the mad scientist at home, think?
[Cut to Deep 13. Dr. F is watching a TV screen in the back of the lab with great interest. After a few moments he realizes he's on and turns guiltily, leaning over to obscure our view of the screen.]

FORRESTER: Oh! It's you, Tenchi. Ah, heh heh, I wasn't, ahem, really paying attention. [waving a videotape mailer addressed in Japanese] I was in the middle of enjoying your "divine" suffering, when I received this, eheh, rather fascinating videotape in the mail. No return address, curiously enough...

[Unnoticed behind him something weird is happening! Brilliant_light spews out of the TV screen and someone is climbing out of it -- a tall, seductive, dark-skinned and silvery-haired Goddess in a slinky blue dress. She sidles up behind Dr. F and taps him on the shoulder.]

URD: Oh, Clayton.

[Dr. F spins around and sees her.]

FORRESTER: What? Who --
URD: I just have one thing to ask of you.
FORRESTER: Er... yes?
URD: [furiously] How could you make my little sister cry?!

[Urd starts creating a ball of energy with her hands.]

FORRESTER: Oh, dear.
URD: Push the button, Clayton.

[As she advances on Dr. F he backs up slowly, reaches around behind him, and pushes The Button.]

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MSTing by Mark Sachs a.k.a.
Belldandy and Urd appear originally in "Oh My Goddess!" (aka "Aa! Megami-sama"), translated into English by AnimEigo and available in video stores everywhere. If you want to see more of them I strongly urge you to go out and watch this show. It's keen. No harm is meant towards Presley H. Cannady, and I sincerely apologize for making fun of his name -- he must have endured hell in grade
school for it.
"Mystery Science Theater 3000" is a copyright of
Best Brains. I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!

> Although this sounds vague --- it is vague --- I rather suspect that this last provision will turn out to be the most devastating of all, because in the end intelligence is the most crucial part of the battle.
END -Logan
"Because Science DEMANDS it!!"

Messages In This Thread
Re: DEEP HURTING!!! (Belldandy and the MST3000 Crew) - by Logan Darklighter - 10-04-2005, 09:10 PM
Re: DEEP HURTING!!! (Belldandy and the MST3000 Crew) - by Balentius - 10-05-2005, 07:02 AM

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