I'm reminded of Julia Ecklar's song, "Born-Again Trek":
For the IDIC's still the way to God,
Spock's still logical, of course;
And we've still got full main phasers,
So tell me, who needs the Force?
And later in the song:
But, O Great Bird, please hear our prayer;
Guide our Trek on its course.
We'll make the whole world follow Trek,
And if we must, use force!
Or I could bring up references in some of John Morressey's books to an interstellar religion called the Poeites: they think Edgar Allan Poe was God, and his writings are mystical scriptures with vast hidden meanings.
Religion can lead people to say and do weird things. Blood and souls for my lord Arioch!
"Have you ever noticed how many God-fearing people these days are stark-raving lunatics?"
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
For the IDIC's still the way to God,
Spock's still logical, of course;
And we've still got full main phasers,
So tell me, who needs the Force?
And later in the song:
But, O Great Bird, please hear our prayer;
Guide our Trek on its course.
We'll make the whole world follow Trek,
And if we must, use force!
Or I could bring up references in some of John Morressey's books to an interstellar religion called the Poeites: they think Edgar Allan Poe was God, and his writings are mystical scriptures with vast hidden meanings.
Religion can lead people to say and do weird things. Blood and souls for my lord Arioch!
"Have you ever noticed how many God-fearing people these days are stark-raving lunatics?"
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.