I think the reason we have not seen much in the way of fighter craft in the star trek universe is two-fold.
1. Extremely accurate sensor and fire-control tech.
2. Very powerful energy weapons that can gradiate their power, and can hit very small fast-moving targets with ease.
I mean, isnt it already part of the canon that enterprise itself can "pulse" its phaser bays to hit multiple small targets instead of just taking large 'burning' type shots?
Their enemies dont really use weapons designed for versatility like the feddies do, so small craft might not be as suicidal as it might seem.
1. Extremely accurate sensor and fire-control tech.
2. Very powerful energy weapons that can gradiate their power, and can hit very small fast-moving targets with ease.
I mean, isnt it already part of the canon that enterprise itself can "pulse" its phaser bays to hit multiple small targets instead of just taking large 'burning' type shots?
Their enemies dont really use weapons designed for versatility like the feddies do, so small craft might not be as suicidal as it might seem.