It also takes repeated exposure to really good stuff to understand just how bad the bad stuff really is. Though I have managed to dodge the bullet myself,
I am repeatedly told that the book 'Great Expectations' is one of the worst books ever written. Its as bad as the worst thing ever written... but
several times longer than that. Basically literary cancer.
Books like this being mandatory reading in English class is flat out why dozens of high school and middle school students I've talked with gave up entirely
on reading for pleasure. If it wasn't for the random books that come in the fat pack of Magic: the Gathering cards, my brother and at least one of his
friends would still be unable to take reading as anything, but a form of institutional torment. Though the specific books change, I've heard the same
story repeated endlessly. Collectively English teachers' love of bad books is causing generations to hate reading anything.
Anyway, I think the reason that people start tuning out the nth crossover of the same type for the same canons is that it ends up being a larger range version
of 'I've read the canon, stop regurgitating it to me'. That is, that there are only so many ways that you can realistically cram two canons
together before you start repeating the act, of repeating the act, of repeating the same story with a few altered lines of speech. Many of times the altered
lines are basically lines from random story's of this same genre stolen from different fics. Once the crossover hits critical mass its a Pavlovian
response to avoid said crossover.
Its the same thing as I've mentioned before about people when given the choice,, write about the aspects of the topic that interest them. To a large
extent this explains canon and fanon base couples, those pairs interest the people they interest and they either write about those couples or seek out stories
where those couples are written about. Once you reach a critical mass of stories featuring one crossover, you start getting people who write stories only in
context of what they already have written. After a while, this becomes a case of literary inbreeding.
Okay, I'm calling credit for this term 'Literary Inbreeding'. The act of a circle of readers and writers, only using a limited amount of sources
of relevant data sources and deriving the data down to a dull pot of badness and stagnation.
I am repeatedly told that the book 'Great Expectations' is one of the worst books ever written. Its as bad as the worst thing ever written... but
several times longer than that. Basically literary cancer.
Books like this being mandatory reading in English class is flat out why dozens of high school and middle school students I've talked with gave up entirely
on reading for pleasure. If it wasn't for the random books that come in the fat pack of Magic: the Gathering cards, my brother and at least one of his
friends would still be unable to take reading as anything, but a form of institutional torment. Though the specific books change, I've heard the same
story repeated endlessly. Collectively English teachers' love of bad books is causing generations to hate reading anything.
Anyway, I think the reason that people start tuning out the nth crossover of the same type for the same canons is that it ends up being a larger range version
of 'I've read the canon, stop regurgitating it to me'. That is, that there are only so many ways that you can realistically cram two canons
together before you start repeating the act, of repeating the act, of repeating the same story with a few altered lines of speech. Many of times the altered
lines are basically lines from random story's of this same genre stolen from different fics. Once the crossover hits critical mass its a Pavlovian
response to avoid said crossover.
Its the same thing as I've mentioned before about people when given the choice,, write about the aspects of the topic that interest them. To a large
extent this explains canon and fanon base couples, those pairs interest the people they interest and they either write about those couples or seek out stories
where those couples are written about. Once you reach a critical mass of stories featuring one crossover, you start getting people who write stories only in
context of what they already have written. After a while, this becomes a case of literary inbreeding.
Okay, I'm calling credit for this term 'Literary Inbreeding'. The act of a circle of readers and writers, only using a limited amount of sources
of relevant data sources and deriving the data down to a dull pot of badness and stagnation.