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Untitled Story by Murmur
Kind words gotten undeservedly
Thank you all for the kind, kind words.

Now for the responses to your responses, an incestuous process that we all love.

WengFook wrote:

This looks like the start of something excellent Murmur. It all reads like really really quality stuff so far. Have you got an idea how many chapters the whole
thing is going to take?

I respond:

Quality? No, no. Too kind. My blushes. If I were any kind of good writer I would not have had two successive chapters with a character that is just
introduced come on stage and EXPLAIN THE DAMN PLOT IN TEDIOUS DETAIL to my main character. As this is very much a first draft, I have absolutely no idea how
many chapters this is. Or indeed where this is going next. What fun.

Mr. Bob wrote:

Yeah, this is really good. Love the fakeout at the beginning, and the crossover elements have me intrigued. And I'm wondering, just how many turns of the
wheel is this past the SM/Crystal Tokyo that we know?

I respond:

The funny thing is, the really funny thing, is that the fakeout was not at all planned. I wrote Usagi there and her conversation with her mother and it came
to me that this was not at all how Tsukino Usagi would act and speak. That's when the idea of this being Chibiusa came in, as she is a much more serious
in her character than Usagi. I put in the pencil hitting her on the head after I realized that, as a tribute to her first appearance.

The crossover elements are pretty much inevitable for someone who was weaned on Davies, Biles, Eyrie, etc. As my plans are very tentative before I set it
down, I don't know how much impact they'll have on the story per se, beyond adding flavor and background depth much like Alan Moore's use of other
characters in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. The real purpose of the crossover elements is that, but for some very special and few exceptions, this is
very much set in the sort of meta-verse of 90s era anime/manga, with a few inclusions from further back. So far we have Tenchi, Sailor Moon, and Ranma 1/2.
I'll probably add more 90s era stuff, whether straight from the series or as analogues, as soon as they serve a story purpose.

(If there is a companion piece, I imagine that it would involve having the 2000s era anime/manga crossing over together. Bleach/Naruto/Death Note/One Piece
etc. etc.)

Though this hasn't been set in stone, I imagine that Chibiusa - or rather Usagi as she's pretty consistently called in this story - is between 14 to
16, so nearly a decade after the future section of Sailor Moon R Yes it's the Serenity and Endymion seen in Sailor Moon R, or at least that's my
intention. Not future incarnations. Not parallel world versions. Not a hoax, not a dream, not an imaginary tale.

Epsilon wrote:

I, too, am looking forward to seeing more of this.

I also know how hard it is to name things. I'm terrible at names.

I respond:

Thank you, I shall be writing as fast as I can on the next section. Please don't expect so much in one burst any time soon.

As for the naming things, it is pretty difficult, especially as I haven't decided what the themes are (well, other than the one that, once again, a
character FLAT OUT TOLD THE READER). If anyone has suggestions for a title based on what's been written so far, I would appreciate it. Not saying that I
choose them, or having chosen them I will be keeping them, but what the hey. Let the contest begin.

Oh yes, and Mamoru is indeed an original character. Or at least quasi-original. I would really like to keep original characters to a bare minimum and not
have them take too much of the plot with them.


Messages In This Thread
Untitled Story by Murmur - by Murmur the Fallen - 08-20-2008, 07:54 AM
Chapters 3-4 - by Murmur the Fallen - 08-20-2008, 07:58 AM
Chapters 5-6 - by Murmur the Fallen - 08-20-2008, 08:04 AM
[No subject] - by WengFook - 08-20-2008, 06:22 PM
[No subject] - by Bob Schroeck - 08-20-2008, 06:47 PM
[No subject] - by Epsilon - 08-20-2008, 08:10 PM
Kind words gotten undeservedly - by Murmur the Fallen - 08-21-2008, 09:03 AM

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