Aww... I quite liked it.
The name -- sounds like an RP name but that's not that bad.
The plot isn't more ludicrous or less ludicrous than all the ones with the trunk being one day in = one minute out or the timetravel back to Maruader days or Founders days.
Granted it doesn't deal so much with Harry Potter *yet* -- but by ch. 24, the worlds are heading on a trainwreck towards each other. I'm thinking it won't necessarily be an OOTP v. Voldemort v. Ministry as it will be a Ministry v. Voldemort and minor non-human v. Harry and Older Vampires (with maybe v. muggles or with muggles as a fourth power depending on how much power the Older Vampires have managed to secure in muggle society) maybe even converging into Voldemort, wreck of Ministry, wizards v. non-humans, muggles, and Harry. Also, that's some fairly heavy foreshadowing of Neville at the end of 24 becoming more and more important in the plot line and attending the school with the possibility of Ginny. Plus Regulus is being pulled in, Snape and assorted Death Eaters are doing *something* with the yeck fur, the hunt for Mundugus and the errant horcruxes... I'd say there's plenty not including the foreshadowing of the Veela being pulled in (Fleur and Beuxbatons). The first what 18 chapters or so are very non-HP related but the story's picking up.
The name -- sounds like an RP name but that's not that bad.
The plot isn't more ludicrous or less ludicrous than all the ones with the trunk being one day in = one minute out or the timetravel back to Maruader days or Founders days.
Granted it doesn't deal so much with Harry Potter *yet* -- but by ch. 24, the worlds are heading on a trainwreck towards each other. I'm thinking it won't necessarily be an OOTP v. Voldemort v. Ministry as it will be a Ministry v. Voldemort and minor non-human v. Harry and Older Vampires (with maybe v. muggles or with muggles as a fourth power depending on how much power the Older Vampires have managed to secure in muggle society) maybe even converging into Voldemort, wreck of Ministry, wizards v. non-humans, muggles, and Harry. Also, that's some fairly heavy foreshadowing of Neville at the end of 24 becoming more and more important in the plot line and attending the school with the possibility of Ginny. Plus Regulus is being pulled in, Snape and assorted Death Eaters are doing *something* with the yeck fur, the hunt for Mundugus and the errant horcruxes... I'd say there's plenty not including the foreshadowing of the Veela being pulled in (Fleur and Beuxbatons). The first what 18 chapters or so are very non-HP related but the story's picking up.