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[NSFW][naruto] Open Mouth, Insert...?
She crossed her legs and sat down, letting the boy down next to her. It was too uncomfortable to keep her tails curled around tightly any more, but she trusted
in her short-trimmed but full bush to keep herself mostly hidden since she wasn't actively aroused. Besides, even if it would be years before he'd
appreciate the view, there was only one guy that was ever going to be able to get in here to see it on a regular basis. She stroked Naruto's bare back
soothingly as he tentatively cuddled into her side, and eventually he dared to drop his hands and open his eyes, even if his cheeks stayed rosy.

Himitsu grinned and chuckled at how comically wide his eyes got, staring at her boobs, and he jerked them up to look at her face. She tousled his hair one more
time and smiled. "It's really okay, you can look. It's just a body, everyone has one."

"But... but you're a GIRL!" he protested.

"Yup, sure seems that way. And like I said, any other girl probably will get really angry if you look at her naked, but I don't mind. So go ahead and
look, if you want to."

Reassured, and very curious since he'd never really seen a girl before, Naruto peered at her boobs and her belly, and stroked one of her fluffy tails
before suddenly pointing and shouting, "Hey! You don't have an asoko!"

Blushing again, Himitsu gently moved his hand away before he could poke the indicated area. "No, girls are different there... and you shouldn't touch
that part, until you're older at least... and not on anyone else, either."

"But... but how can you pee without an asoko!?"

"I'll tell you about that stuff when you're older... as long as you know how to take care of it for yourself, that's all that matters for now.
You know that, right?" she asked seriously.

"Of course, neesan! I'm not a baby!" he moaned.

"Of course you aren't," she agreed. "So tell me about yourself, Naruto-kun, about Konoha. It seems like I've been stuck in here for a
very long time."

Bouncing and happy again, he babbled, "Okay, okay! I just started at the Ninja Academy 'cause my birthday is next month and Gramps finally said I was
old enough, even if I'm still the youngest in my class - that's 'cause I'm really big and strong for my age! Gojo-sensei is really boring
though and he kicks me out of class if I even yawn, but I'll show him! I'll get that meditation thing and pull out my cha-tora right away tomorrow
since I found the water tonight. He was all like 'Find your center, find the water, then bring it out' so all I have to do is calm down like I did to
fall alseep and come here while I've got a bucket and I can bring back a whole lot of water! And Konoha is all full of merchants with the crops and all the
trees have fruit which is awesome 'cause it means I can have apples and stuff any time I grab one and they're really tasty, almost as good as ramen!
Ichraku ramen is the best! Ichiraku-jisan and Ayame-neechan always give me extra naruto because of my name and tell jokes with Hokage-ojisan when he takes me
there sometimes but he doesn't get to do that much because people are always bugging him with stupid paperwork. He's the one who got the Academy to let
me in early! Gramps is nice. He even showed me how to stand and throw a punch for the tadger-, taij-, taijutsu test! Wanna see? It's really cool!"

After a moment to play mental catch-up with the happy rant - most of it anyway - Himitsu nodded as the energetic boy jumped up and stood in front of her, and
held her hands out flat with the palms facing him. "Okay, Naruto-kun. Hit my hands the way Sandaime showed you."

Tongue peeking out one corner of his mouth in concentration, Naruto crouched a bit and threw a couple of punches at her hands, with a strength and skill she
recognised as being truly impressive in such a young child... and which was entirely familiar from the manga and anime.

She wondered if Sandaime's introductory taijutsu lesson was the only one he'd ever paid attention to... or if it was the only one he'd ever had.
She'd always assumed the Academy had taijutsu instruction, but the closest that was ever shown about it was shuriken and kunai target practise, it could
easily be that students were assumed to work on their hand-to-hand style on their own time, with their family or friends. Unfortunately, she'd never been
much of a fighter in his previous life, and the memories left over from the original kyuubi were only of fighting with tooth, claw, and tails, and demonic
chakra manipulation. She couldn't even teach him how demons used chakra-fueled strength, it was just something that happened, and while she could feel the
incredible chakra she'd inherited like an endless ocean of red that foamed and flowed beneath her skin, she knew that using it the way the original kyuubi
would have given it to him damaged the boy's body and shortened his life span.

Was there some other way she could feed him energy, to alter it into something safe that would strengthen him? Preferably permanently, maybe even extend his
life instead of shortening it? There was. It was easy, in fact, and the only reason she could think of for the original kyuubi not doing it herself was spite,
and the hatred of humans... or perhaps simply the fact that the power would be permanently lost, instead of returning to the kyuubi like the 'normal'
infusions once the energy was spent; that after a thousand years of gathering it the fox had been too jealous of its power to give any up. A simple mental
preparation and it was underway, a faint tingle in her breasts as whatever passed for mammary glands for a kitsune went to work.

Naruto was still jabbing punches at her hands, and Himitsu smiled widely as she caught his fists and held them. "That's really good, niichan,"
she told him, prompting another huge grin. "I'm sure you'll be an excellent ninja... I'll even help you as much as I can." She tickled
his nose with a tail-tip before letting the giggling boy pull his hands out of hers to escape again. "You may not have noticed, but I'm not quite
human... I can give you some special help, a power to add to your own chakra so you can be even stronger."

"Really, Himitsu-nee!? You'll really help me? Yeah, yeah, I'll be a super excellent ninja for Himitsu-neesan and show Gojo-sensei I'm not a
stupid demon-brat! Dattebayo!" Naruto was too busy dancing around happily to see the scowl on her face as he repeated what he'd heard the Academy
teacher muttering about him, but his excitement was too contagious to keep it up and she was grinning back again by the time he bounded over to where she was
still sitting on what was now clearly a tatami and bedroll in the brightly lit room. "What do I have to do to get this special energy, Himitsu-nee? Tell
me, tell me!"

She couldn't help but laugh as she pulled him off his feet, down onto her lap. Cupping a breast with one hand she squeezed it lightly and offered it to
him. "It's easy, you just have to drink," she said, catching the drop of pure power that had escaped the nipple on a finger. It was bright white,
and where it bulged into a droplet the shadow glowed fainlty with all the colors of the rainbow. She brushed it onto Naruto's lips as he balked and leaned
back, staring at her breasts again as he unconsciously licked it up, running his tongue back and forth over them to get every bit.

"Go on," she cajoled. "It's not bad, is it? You must have seen women feeding their babies so they'll grow big and strong... You
aren't a baby any more, but this isn't regular milk either."

She massaged out another drop, rubbing his back gently and making soft encouraging sounds in her throat.

Slowly, tentatively, Naruto leaned forward and took the nipple in his mouth. The taste was like nothing he'd ever had, sweet and rich and spicy with a
trace of the metallic smell of a lightning storm, and as he looked up into Himitsu's eyes he let it spread across his tongue like nectar, felt a faint stir
of energy from that single taste...

Warm. Her eyes were warm, she was looking at him, Naruto, not at a troublemaker or a demon-brat or a fox-shit. He suckled, and the heady elixer of power flowed
into him. He wrapped his arms around her back and snuggled close, and silently swore to never disappoint his secret neesan, who acknowledged him.

She let him drink for a few minutes before switching sides, awed at the way it made her feel - an amazing feeling, incredibly feminine, but completely
different from the erotic sensations she'd experimented with not long before. Perhaps this 'female form' stuff wouldn't be so bad after all...
Finally Himitsu pulled him away from her teat, kissing the last drop off his chin before snuggling for a few more minutes, just giving and recieving affection.

Finally pulling back, she ruffled Naruto's hair one last time and told him, "Go ahead and pull out your chakra for Gojo-sensei, but remember that
it's a secret I'm here inside you. All you have to do to talk to me is meditate again, and I'll give you more of my special power every night if
you come see me, but power is only the first step - you'll also need control. Ask your sensei or the Hokage about the leaf exercise to build chakra
control, because you have so much that control will always be hard if you don't start right away. For now you should wake up, though. You don't want to
be late for lessons, do you?"
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Messages In This Thread
ch1pt2 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 03:40 AM
ch1pt3 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 03:42 AM
ch1pt4 (end) - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 03:46 AM
[No subject] - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:01 AM
notes p2 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:04 AM
notes pt3 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:08 AM
notes end - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:12 AM

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