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[NSFW][naruto] Open Mouth, Insert...?
ch1pt4 (end)
"Don't worry, Himitsu-nee, I won't tell anybody, dattebayo! And I'll ask about the leaf thing right away, but, but, what's chakra? Is that
the special power? Is it like cha-tora? Does it make the tea extra hot, or give the tiger magic armor!?"

Confused, Himitsu could only cock her head for a moment, before her rudimentary knowledge of japanese kicked in - 'cha-tora...' a tea tiger. Resisting
the urge to palm her face she explained, "Not 'cha-tora,' Naruto-kun, 'chakra.' It's the energy ninja use to power ninjutsu and
genjutsu, and enhance their bodies for taijutsu. The power I gave you is also chakra, but it's a special kind that will make your body stronger and faster
without extra attention, which indirectly makes your own chakra expand. Go on, wake up now, can't you hear your alarm clock ringing?"

Now that he was listening for it, he could, echoing faintly in the corridors and the big seal room, getting louder as he noticed the sound until he blinked and
found himself in his bed, the morning sunlight shining in through his open shutters.

Naruto shot out of bed like a spring-loaded kunai, energy humming through his muscles. "Hehehe, this is awesome!" he said happily. "Normally I
have to drag myself out of bed in the morning, but today I feel GREAT!"

He bounced through his morning routine and even had time for a second cup of instant ramen before he had to run for the Academy, though the big swig of milk he
drank out of the carton was less enthusiastic than usual.

It just couldn't compare to Himitsu-neesan's milk.


When the class did chakra meditation that day, Naruto was the second person to produce a faint, shimmering glow, right after Uchiha Maki.

At lunch, she didn't tease him about being a weak little baby trying to fit in with the big kids.

That night, she didn't complain about him at dinner as the weakest person in class, slowing down everybody else because he couldn't access his chakra.

The next day, her father Kenmaru didn't grumble about "that fox brat" being in the Academy to his partner Watanabe while they patrolled through
the market.

No one overheard those unvoiced complaints. No one was reminded again of missing parents, siblings, or children that day - not there anyway.

Others, who'd heard Yamarisu Gojo complaining about the "damn fox kid being in his class, throwing around chakra like it was easy" at the bar the
night before had an ache in their head to remind them of the aches in their hearts and why it might not be a good sign if the little gaki was taking to ninja
skills too quickly.


the philosopher's stone: Forget Harry Potter and Fullmetal Alchemist, the actual historical "Philosopher's Stone" is a diagram drawn with
powdered copper, sulfur, salt, and liquid mercury, the physical representations of the classical elements fire, earth, air, and water. I don't remember the
exact pattern and locations for the components off the top of my head, but I believe it's a perfect pentagon with the points touching a perfect square with
the points touching a perfect circle with the edges touching a perfect equilateral triangle - a very difficult figure to construct accurately even with modern
tools, even laying aside the difficulty of getting mercury to conform to the shape you want. I'm writing this offline, but you can check on sorceryforge
dot com (possibly sourceryforge) - it's a wikipedia for the occult. As for the use of western magic instead of, say, onmyuudo, as little as I know about
western traditions I know even less about the eastern ones - most of my information on onmyuudo coems from ... damn, I can't remember the title, Mahou
Shoutengai something-or-other, one of the few anime to use eastern magical traditions instead of christian symbology or tolkienian high fantasy magic.

plastic famingo in a votive niche: I like flamingos. Deal with it. I have this set up in my yard just to make the door-to-door religious fanatics froth.

-o suffix: makes -nee, -nii, -ji, and similar sufixes more respectful, frex "-oji" "great old man." Still not as respectful as adding -san.

-nee suffix: female sibing

-nii suffix: male sibling

-ji(i) suffix: old man, disrespectful on its own or especially if repeated (-jiji) Alternate sources say that "ji" s for an older but not elderly man
(ojisan - uncle) and "jii" is for an elderly man (ojiisan - grandfather). If true, the same likely holds for -ba and -baa.

-ba(a) suffix: old woman, the counterpart of -ji

-san suffix: generic respectful address, usable for the man on the street or a respected family member

-kun suffix: mild diminutive, suitable for use between boys who are freinds, by girls for boyfriends or close platonic male freinds, or for an adult and a
younger male they have a freindly or familial relationship with. Hinata using this term for Naruto when he batrely even knows her by sight is actually being on
the forward side, which just goes to show how strongly he affects her.

-chan sufix: diminutive, suitable for small children, girls obsessed with being cutesy, or females with a familiar relationship such as a girlfriend or close
friend, or with the approrpirate precedding sufix for a younger or close sibling - indicating youth it can be considered flattering by older women as well,
depending on their attitude.

-sensei suffix: indicates a teacher or doctor, or similarly scholarly profession. Kishimoto has stated in at least one interview that this is the highest
honorific he feels comofrtable recieving from fans, as he hopes to inspire more people to become artists or storytellers but doesn't feel he deserves

yamarisu: "mountain squirrel" - a quickie name for a weedy, stuck up teacher like Ebisu without the innate honesty to admit it when Naruto shows his
good side(s).

Gojo: Random namelike word pulled out of my... ear. Hopefully it doesn't mean anything naughty.

asoko: Literally, a bamboo flute. Slang for a penis, as should be clear from context. The similarity to "Asuka" causes much needed amusement whenever
I encounter Evangelion-based material.

I hope that the "you can look" scene and the breast feeding didn't come across as sexual, one of the things I particularly wanted to achieve with
those sequences was to show that Naruto was still too innocent to percieve nakedness as lewd and to explore a different aspect of what it meant to get in touch
with the insert's new femininity.

The last few paragraphs were just to show that changes are already propogating - though Himitsu will make attempts to keep the future from being too different
at first, the butterfly effect is going to be more like the Mothra Effect in this one, and it'll quickly become obvious that it's pointless to try to
keep things the same with only a few changes at critical points. This variation of the Naruto universe has a timeline almost as fragile as Star Trek instead of
the robust "things work their way back on track without concerted and maintained effort" of the usual retelling story. The only thing that'll
happen about the same is the timing and nature of the chuunin exam, because the rotation of location and proctors follows a preset list. Of course, there's
bad with the good, but such is life.




"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Messages In This Thread
ch1pt2 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 03:40 AM
ch1pt3 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 03:42 AM
ch1pt4 (end) - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 03:46 AM
[No subject] - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:01 AM
notes p2 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:04 AM
notes pt3 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:08 AM
notes end - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:12 AM

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