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[NSFW][naruto] Open Mouth, Insert...?
Because I'm not overly confident in my ability to keep going with this, despite liking it, and beceause there are some reasonable length scenelts in here,
I'm also posting my notes for the fute of the fic, for commentary. Sex stuff is not included because I've been figuring on letting that come as it
will, though with an "everyone is easy" pornworld in the background there are probably more erojutsu than oiroke transformations... suggestions will
be apppreciated, though I expect a viewing of La Blue Girl could be a good start.


Academy - ("Naruto-kun... don't worry too much about the Academy, just make sure you get the basics. Pay attention to genjutsu lessons - a trick is as
good as a trap, after all - but it's better to hide your real abilites... maybe even wait to graduate until the kids your age who entered at the normal
time catch up." "EEHHH!? No way, Himi-chan! I'm gonna prove I'm the greatest, so you can be proud of me!" "I'm already proud of
you, Naruto-kun, proud and more. You don't have to prove anything like that, and once you graduate there won't be so much time to train like you do
now, because you'll have missions to do. Besides, if your Academy grades are at the bottom, you'll get put with the strongest team mates, supposedly to
even things out.")

N gets a crush on Maki? The clan tells her to cultivate a freindship with him to use his power, real or just acting? N super-pissed at Itachi for killing his
crush/only freind?

bishibi ningyo "beautiful tail doll" - Himitsu can transform the tip of a tail into a lifelike puppet, to assist in fantasy scenes. Flexible enough
to curl up and lick her own crotch like a fox - torso and arms are a bit longer than normal human proportions like Naruto, so crouching and moving on all fours
even as a human isn't so awkward.

nothing but solos and fantasy for Kyuubabe until the kids are older. With someone to support him N isn't so lonely but still plays pranks because
they're fun, and because everyone else still has those cold eyes. She starts him on chakra control stuff early "Two reasons, Naruto-kun - you've
got so much chakra that if you don't start now, you'll never be more than average at it, and think of how much better your pranks could be if you could
walk up walls or across water?" leaf floating, not so useful but it's a first step to those "awesome" abilities.

"Hmm, well, I can't teach you much in the way of ninjutsu... I never used them. For those like me, it's all pure chakra control, either shape or
elemental nature or both. Most jutsu are only useful in a specific situation anyway, since each one only has a single effect. With your amount of chakra and
proper control, you can do things that make ninjutsu look like child's play."

leaf floating

closer senses - Naruto and Himitsu can hear each other without meditation without needing to shout, H. can meditate herself and access his sensorium almost as
well as he can by sharing thoughts - can't exert any control, however. "Himitsu-neesan! Are you okay!? I'll meditate right away and help
you!" "Oh! Ahhh, no, Naruto! I'm just ... exercising ... just ignore me and concentrate on your own training, okay?" "Okay Himitsu-nee!
Let's both get wild, dattebayo!"

tree walking

water walking - each of these as soon as he gets the previous down

sand-sorting ("I know, it's not very impressive, just trust me, like the leaf floating.")

water heating "I was going to save this for later... much later, but I think you'll apreciate it now, if you can pull it off..."
"Appreciate? What is it, Himitsu-nee? A spuer fire ball? A giant lightning bolt? I'll learn it right away, just watch, dattebayo!" "Pour a
glass of water... you're going to learn how to heat it up with just chakra." "EEEH!? But that's totally lame! Come on, Himitsu-nee, teach me
something cool!" "Oh, you cdon't want to be able to make ramen any time, then? Okay... and it would have been good practise for learning hoe to
do fire teachniques someday, too." "GLASS, GLASS< WHERE'D I PUT A GLASS!? Teach me how to make ramen any time, Himitsu-nee! You're the
most awesome big sister ever and I'll work really hard to learn it!" "Hmmm... okay then, Naruto-kun. what you have to do is spin your chakra in
tiny circles so it heats up, like the spiral dance of a flame."

water-ball grabbing/juggling/throwing - one of the ultimate pranking abilities, like water balloons without having to get any balloons or take time to fill
them, and it works on any liquid

neko no kankoashi - the real thing, not Lee's variation from Legend of Explosive Youth! that's thinly disguised Fate: Stay Night tracing sorcery

the Gumby Slide - after picking this up, he'll never walk again as long as there's attention and chakra to spare - moving in a strange way is an
advantage to a ninja, especially when it's faster and frees up a third limb for attacking. Plus its fun! "DAMMIT YOU BRAT, HOW ARE YOU DOING
THAT!?" "Nihihihi! It's eeeeeasy, if you're awesome like me! It's just like that floating leaf thing except backwards! But none of you
loserrs could do it, nyah nyah!"

?Uchiha Maki is the only other who sticks with it enough to figure it out, even if she can't keep it up for very long; discovers it's fun when chasing
the little dweeb turns into a game of tag - beginning of real freindship instead of power play intrigue?

leaf suit ("You're still using too much chakra when you stop concentrating, Naruto-kun... the leaves are touching you." "Come on,
Himitsu-nee! It's good enough!" "Hmm... One more time, but do it over in that clearing instead. Then if you still think it's good enough,
I'll tell you the next step tomorrow..." later "AAAAH! THE CLEARING WAS FULL OF POISON IVY!? HIMITSU-NEE, WHY THE HELL!?" "Because now
you know there's no such thing as 'good enough,' Naruto-kun... I'm sorry, but you'll never be as amazing as I know you can be if you stop
at 'good enough.' Concentrate on your special chakra and it will make the poison ivy go away - that's worth practising for its own sake."
earlier, trying to get him to hold a full coat of it, she makes him strip naked ostensibly so the clothes won't interfere with the thin layer of chakra
needed... as incentive, she threatens to have him walk through town with nothing but the leaves until he stops leaving gaps, and he replies, "SO? It's
just a body, everyone has one!" - of course, when she orders him to do it immediately in that case he can't quite live up to that as gracefully as she
did, but refuses to take back his words.)

sand use incl. hovering platorms ("This was why I had you train with leaves, if you were moving sand quickly and let it touch your body, it would shred
your skin... and there'll be even stronger things, later.") Also, compacting sand into breastplate, boots and bracers for protection, training weight,
and to have it available for use. Not nearly as good as Gaara's tricks but combat-worthy, and it gives kagebunshin a way to block without being popped.

chlorophyl pulling (Oh man, leaves again!? Look, I can float it perfectly!" "This is something different, Naruto-kun... Imagine you're on a
mission, and one of your enemies is using a poisoned kunai... if you can master this, you can take the poison out of a wound.")

strong full-body emission (walk on the bottom of a pond and stay dry?) - is it just me, or does that sound lewd?

Uchiha massacre ("Naruto... you should try to make freinds with Sasuke... he's all alone now, even more than you... at least you have me. Offer to
train with him, if you like." "But Himitsu-nee, I thought our training was supposed to be a secret!" "Just have him promise to keep the
secret, so you can keep hiding your strength in class. He can help you learn taijutsu at least, and wouldn't it be better to have a freind than just a
bunch of people amazed by your power?") - less than successful, even if they do spar sometimes and N picks up Goukakyu from seeing it done so many times.
Not very good at it, but has the chakra to supercharge the technique and make up for that. Won't work with Mothra Effect ripple:

if N is to get cheesed off at Itachi, develop crush on Maki before now, and have her catch him in one of their chase games and give him a kiss, then blush and
flee. Convo with H., about how girls and boys who like each other share kisses sometimes, but boys usually take longer to decide they like a girl that way so
not to worry about it for a few more years... She tries to come up with any way to spare Maki as well as Sasuke since the massacre is due any day now, but the
only person who'd listen to a word Naruto sid would be Sarutobi and if he couldn't stop it in the first place he probably wouldn't be able to do
anything, and there's no way to know how he'd react to the idea that N. is in contact with "the nine tails" and that it somehow knows
what's going on in secret Council sessions... except that it could not possibly be good. Doing this prevents the "make freinds with Sasuke" plot
thoguh, unless its through shared grieving... Sasuke not very likely to accept it, though.

Low turn-out for the Uchiha funeral, since people disliked them - Naruto sticks out a lot when he collapses wailing in front of Maki's picture until Saru.
picks him up.

"Sh-she was my f-first freind, Gramps... why did she have to die? W-w-whyyy?"

"Naruto..." Guilt at being unable to stop the Elders' counterstrike froze his throat, and all he could do was hold the boy close and stroke his
back. He'd said his hypocrite's eulogy, there wasn't anyhting else he needed to do here... He began to carry Nauruto away, but feeling the motion
the boy squirmed and demanded to be set down.

Scrubbing at his teary eyes, Naruto looked up into the old man's lined face and said, "We'll go in a minute, Gramps, I have to give something back
to Maki-chan first." Sniffling and still chling out a sob on every other breath, concentrated a moment before sliding with that eearie, smooth motion back
to Maki's picture, fixing the draped black ribbon he'd dislodged before leaning in and kissing right over her lips. "I like you too,
Maki-chan," he gasped out, before dropping the (gumby slide) and running back to the Third's arms.

The fox-jinchuuriki's obvious closeness with one of THOSE Uchiha was ample confirmation in the minds of the villagers that the clan had been responsible
for bringing the kyuubi down on them in the first place... rumors spread that they'd been plotting a coup and got found out, that Itachi was the leader,
that Itachi was the only innocent one, that Itachi had been killed and being isted as a missing-nin was some kind of cover-up for something even more
heinous... That blood breeds true, and Sasuke is just biding his time, look at the boy standing quiet and calm when even the monster is grief-stricken, he
can't be right...

kaiten - "tenmaki" ("I suppose the "goukyaku" is a... good enough... attack. I've been giving you steps towards something more
impressive, but you don't have to keep going with them if you don't want to..." "NO WAY! What's the next step, Himitsu-nee? What kind of
attack is it? Does it shoot flaming kunai out your eyes? An earthquake? A huge tornado!?" "Funny you should mention tornados... one more step, then
you can start the first direct stage of it." "A spinning cloud of chakra to block attacks and throw enemies away from you.")

rasen-dan (spiral ball, just a different reading of "gan") ("the first direct stage" - "Like a tiny tenmaki in the palm of the hand,
only it has to spin in lots of directions.") - takes most of the two years between the massacre and graduation, without a kagebunshin to add the last step
seperately. Kakshi sees him working on it again much later (trying to get the speed it forms up) and he blows it off as just another training excercise, even
if it took two yearss to get it right and it can work as an attack on its own it's just a step toward a real technique, a miniature version that fits in
one hand like making a model before you build a fortress.

graduation - as usual/summarized in aftermath as Iruka and Sarutobi discuss team placements. Ino put on Team 7 instead of Sakura - S. asks why he'd
reccomend splitting up a new Ino-Shika-Cho, but I. convinces him that having the girlss as canon leaves both teams weaker - Ino doesn't really get along
with the boys, and if anything Sakura dislikes Naruto even more while Ino is at worst indifferent to him. Also, Sakura has shown brief instances of amazing
strength, and as a taijutsu specialist Asuma is best equipped to bring that out as well as correct her own poor taijutsu performance. Ino's combat
performance is better than Sakura's so she'll be able to keep up better with Sasuke and Naruto, and she also gives Team 7 an information specialist
that they'd otherwise be lacking, while Sasuke's genjutsu scores are only slightly below Sakura, her best ability - if not for the fact that Hinata
already has a mentor relationship with Kurenai he'd have her on Asuma's team and put Sakura under the genjutsu mistress.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Messages In This Thread
ch1pt2 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 03:40 AM
ch1pt3 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 03:42 AM
ch1pt4 (end) - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 03:46 AM
[No subject] - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:01 AM
notes p2 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:04 AM
notes pt3 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:08 AM
notes end - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:12 AM

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