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[NSFW][naruto] Open Mouth, Insert...?
notes pt3

Himitsu flicked an immaterial finger at one of Ino's budding breasts, saying "Tinnnng!" as it had hit a piece of metal as it passed through the
visibly tented peak on her sleeveless top.

"...okay, so they were good kisses, too," Ino admitted sheepishly, "and the thought of doing it again tomorrow is making my mouth water
already... but you absolutely can't tell Naruto a word of it! Total girl talk rules apply, got it!?"

"I'd agree to it, except Naruto can hear every word we say in here... can't you, Naruto-kun?"

In the physical world, Kakashi is hiding the all but crippling terror of what Ino's father will do to him if his daughter is consumed by the Kyuubi by
teasing Naruto about having a love rendevous in his head, since he noticed a certain reaction after N started 'meditaating...'

"AAAH! Where are you looking anyway, ero-sensei!?"

"...Your face. It's bright red, you know."

Then Ino admits to teh hawtness and the Confused Adolescent Super-Blushing Power really kicks in. He chokes on his breath for a few seconds before replying to

Ino, of course, can hear the outside now as well now that it's been pointed out to her, and is absolutely mortified... but her options are either get over
it and keep it up for at least another day, probably at least two since she tries to concentrate and leave again immediately and only succeeds in exhausting
her energy dangerously without escaping the seal, or staying there with her face stuffed into her hands in a funk ignoring naked-Himitsu and nightly-Naruto
until she completely runs out of energy and dies or her body forgets how to keep breathing and pumping its heart without a mind inside it and she dies.

The fact that "Himitsu-neechan" who's been giving Naruto chackra control training and advice since the day he entered the Academy is actually the
Kyuubi comes out in the explanations to Kakashi and Sandaime, ?and Inochi? since they'd find out from Ino anyway once she gets free. Naruto demonstrates
the power H has been giving him, and S. pronounces it "Amazing... the only thing I've ever felt like this was Jiraya-kun's sennin mode power...
but it's still different, not like the natural energy of the world at all..." Nparto's whisker marks still get dark and wide, but they're
smooth tringles like an Inuzuka than ridged and scarlike as in canon.

Following day, Ino barely hangs on long enough to do the power transfer, and everyone decides she'd better wait at least two more before trying to escape
that way - N goes back to training in the meantime, and after H. hops a ride in a bunshin to get a sensei perpective (and meet Kakashi and Sandaime throught
the use of the bunshin doing a henge?) Ino decides to ty it too - she can possess the bunshin outright and it forms as an Ino Bunshin instead of Naruto without
need for henge, but she can't get out of it like when using Shintenshin normally, and trying to use Shintenshin (on her own body or otherwise) from it pops
the bunshin even though N. has often used them to do the ninjutsu he knows, sending her back into the seal. On the positive side it doesn't use any of her
energy to do - she just has to meditate, so if she's careful not to get popped she can still interact with the real world. "Oh Daddy, don't blame
Naruto! It was my idea to use Shintenshin on him in the first place, and he's totally nice! Even..."

"Even...? Is there... something else you... discovered, Ino-chan?"


"Everyone has secrets, Inochi-kun," the Hokage interrupted. "If Ino-chan says that there's nothing to fear in Naruto's imaginary
terrain, I believe her... and secrets are meant to be kept, ne?"

"Of course, Hokage-sama." Inochi's face was shuttered, but after a significant look from Sarutobi he looked at Naruto and continued,
"...Please forgive my prying, Uzumaki... -san. I worry for my daughter, because she is precious to me."

The boy gave him a sparkling grin and thumbs-up in return and replied energeticvally, "Don't worry Yamanaka-ossan, Ino-chan is my precious person too!
As a team mate, I won't let anything bad happen to her! It's a promise, dattebayo!"

Despite himself, Inochi's lips quirked slightly in return. The kid was just so bright and ... genuine, no one who met him could possibly hate him for long.
Even if such an attitude was kind of contradictory for a ninja, he could see that despite everything, the fox kid had the kind of bond the old Ino-Shika-Cho
maintained to this day with his team mates, the kind of freindship Ino hadn't ever formed with Shikamaru and Choji despite his and their parents'
subtle (and less than subtle) nudging. From talking with Shikaku and Chouza, the Haruno girl had settled into that kind of comradery as well, and without the
history of years of childhod arguments the boys responded to her pushing them to acheive better than they would have to 'Ino nagging again.' Perhaps it
really had been better to split them up this way as genin - nothing said they couldn't work together as chuunin when the missions called for the legendary
Ino-Shika-Cho teamwork, after all, chuunin often mixed and matched to suit curcumstances.

Finally he relaxed, and smiled back at the younger blond, whose own grin took on whole new levels of shininess at the acknowledgemnt. Inochi silently thanked
the heavens that the kid hadn't gotten matched up with Maito Gai as sensei - that man's smiles could be used on the battlefield as dazzling attacks,
and the kid was almost at that level without the other jounin's influence.

Seeing how his little girl wrapped an arm around the boy in celebration sent his thoughts down another path... she was his princess after all, and even if
he'd acccepted the kid as a team mate for her anything else was a whole differnt question...

Without her one ninjutsu and unable to effectively train in taijutsu, bunshin-Ino starts working on the chakra control excercizes, hoping to escape sooner
through more efficient chakra use. her loss factor is around 12-15%, a bit worse than Sakura but still better than Sasuke, even if its not as good as Naruto
after five years of constant practise.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Messages In This Thread
ch1pt2 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 03:40 AM
ch1pt3 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 03:42 AM
ch1pt4 (end) - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 03:46 AM
[No subject] - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:01 AM
notes p2 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:04 AM
notes pt3 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:08 AM
notes end - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:12 AM

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