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[NSFW][naruto] Open Mouth, Insert...?
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yuuhiashi - giant leap/great accomplishment + step/to move - airwalking, like sand platforms without the sand, expelling chakra with the force of rasen-dan
from whichever part of the body needs bracing - Kakashi notices that Naruto doesn't move like a person should have to move when he's in the air, but
doesn't really think much of it once N explains he's using a lot of chakra to push himself around - not understanding that N is actually explaining why
he's not doing it right, not what he means to do - tells N that using so much chakra isn't a good idea even for him, because in a long battle he'll
run out, N indignantly replies that that's why he's still working on the technique, so it won't use so much chakra. Himitsu keeps it in mind,
however... she's sure Naruto would love being able to fly, and as his power grows to support the energy needed this holds some promise, combined with the
lesson from the DBZ episode where Gohan is teaching Videl bukujutsu. Yuuhiashi is not mastered before the Wave thing, or the replacement for the Wave thing.
Replacement more likely, just send Gai's team to the Wave. A local noble wants a boar to roast for his son's wedding feast, Team 7 has to hunt for one.
They run into a hidden bandit camp with a nukenin or two as leaders, a wind user and a taijutsu specialist.

Ino is really pissed off that kakashi seems to think her taking poart in D-ranks as a kagebunshin is acceptable, even if Ino Bunshin are tougher than a normal
one. When she finally has enough energy to escape the seal, she can also touch Himitsu finally - the day or two before they can feel something when she tries,
but it's not solid.

By this time she's declared that Naruto is her boyfreind because if he gets to make out with her every day then he's going to fill the rest of the job
too, and says he'd better be saving money from these stupid lame missions because she expects a first class date as soon as she's back in her real
body. Of course, they are still just kids, a "first class date" means a tense interview with her dad while waiting to pick her up, dinner at a
restaurant, a walk under the stars, and a kiss on the step - niether of them have to "work up to it," but Ino warns him that this will be her first
real kiss 'because imaginary ones don't count, obviously!' and he'd better make it good or she's so breaking up with him.

And then when he starts to walk back home, Inochi appears with a scowl, and demands to know what exactly "imaginary kisses obviously don't count"
means, when his princess has just spent the last two and a half weeks trapped in his imaginary terrain... Naruto sputters and stutters, but remembers to stick
with the story thatr he was giving her his energy instead of Himitsu, and that the only way it worked was from his mouth to hers. Inochi shakes him around, but
admits that as far as he knows there should be NO way to transfer chakra that way, so if Naruto found one he'd have to accept that it was the way to save
Ino's life... and there wasn't any other way, RIGHT!? shake shake "N-n-no way! It was the only thing we could do, Yamanaka-ossan! And, and, even
if she uses Shintenshin on me again she has enough chakra now to escape on her own, dattebayo!" - Naruto suddenly turned and walked into a dark alley
without wanting to, only to find Inochi waiting for him there (Shinranshin)

tenrasen - rasen-dan shell on tenmaki, use yuuhiashi to keep from boring into the earth, climax of Wave mission - Sasuke in sand cocoon inside effect. When
Naruto is in a tight situation, he pulls out rainbow chakra instead of demon chakra, because H. doesn't give him any raw demon chakra, just the purified

With a few years to integrate the basics of demon knowlege Himitsu knows how to do soul contracts, and she's noticed Sasuke grumbling about how he has to
become stronger, to do whatever it takes... He can't enter the seal and she doesn't like him enough to give power like she does to Naruto and Ino
regardless, but in the interests of having a strong team mate at Naruto's back she's willing to offer him a soul contract - a large infusion of power
grafted to his soul, with the warning that it will damage him if he uses a lot of it (like canon Naruto) and that when he dies it will draw his soul into her
as it returns. Since her own is anchored to Naruto, she'll end up wherever N does and hence so will he after a fashion... but only as a part of herself. Of
course he jumps at it, and with the Sharingan he's got far better control of the power than Naruto ever would have had without Tenzo's assistance, but
the best part is that when Snakepants tries to add a curse seal the already present demon chakra destroys it immediately - that soul is already sold.

Element manip training starts on return - Ino too since she's been getting moo-juice boostage for long enough to gain at least enough affinity for all five
elements to use them. Air is rubbing chakra together to grind a sharp edge, fire is swirling it in tiny circles to make it heat up, lightning is dividing it
into positive and negative so sparks fly between them. Water and earth are the same as the training excercises only more intensive.







S'all I've got for now.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Messages In This Thread
ch1pt2 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 03:40 AM
ch1pt3 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 03:42 AM
ch1pt4 (end) - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 03:46 AM
[No subject] - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:01 AM
notes p2 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:04 AM
notes pt3 - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:08 AM
notes end - by ClassicDrogn - 11-07-2008, 04:12 AM

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