Lain's actual time period is fiddlable. 'Present day, present time' could just as easily be the date of viewing rather than the date of production.
So, hmm... Nunnally di Britannia?
Or, better yet, Katsumi Liqueur. She very nearly destroyed the world after being brainwashed by the bad guys, and that was in 2030 or so. She's maybe a
touch old for the given range, I think - early twenties - but certainly close enough to seem like a 'big sister' figure to the rest of the band.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
So, hmm... Nunnally di Britannia?
Or, better yet, Katsumi Liqueur. She very nearly destroyed the world after being brainwashed by the bad guys, and that was in 2030 or so. She's maybe a
touch old for the given range, I think - early twenties - but certainly close enough to seem like a 'big sister' figure to the rest of the band.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."