Quote: "Fine. I wish you'd go back where you came from and let me try to forget you were ever here."That wish is kind of doomed to go completely wonky... He demanded to 'try to forget'... He wished for the equivalent of 5 seconds of peace
and quite... maybe a few days respite... but the ultimate force basically got to complete the wish in short order the poor guy wished himself into a corner by
making the second part entirely contingent on himself... and this guy is probably charged with divine magic remnants as an after effect of the wish. He doomed
himself to have half the supernatural constantly running through his house/life.
I'd say the disaster was something that really wasn't her fault... but he had no other outlet for freaking out on. For example, the guy has been
working on an insanely complex model of some spaceship or mecha or something... this one is a masterpiece, epicly awesome, something destined for a museam
piece for the ages... its that increditable. You can see the perfect models of crew members in random positisions around the ship... all of 2/5s of an inch
tall... the kind of people who show up for all of 3 seconds in one episode in the back ground of a pan by to the main characters. Each basically in better
quality that the show was in. random litter in the ship in lovingly crafted with things like accurate text painted on literally throw away papers... painted
with the kind of techniec normally reserved for writing out the Bible on a single grain of rice. This is in a clean room to prevent the windows from getting
Now picture this guy working on it... and the goddess gates in... and through no fault of her own lands smack dab in the middle of model... and gravity kicks
in. CRUNCH... lets say that their is no recovery from the situation and her manages not to move... giving her a chance to explain things... one wish later...
which has the indoor huricane effect... on someone standing knee deep inside the model. They forgot to mention that part to her... I'd go with a Bug with
good/bad timing as the cause. One freaked out goddess bailing later and the guy goes back to his epic model... he is going to finish it with his own two hands
(which is why he doesn't just wish the damage undone)... even if the universe seems strangely against it. He doesn't really hate the newbie... the
system that sent her in on the other hand neeeeeds work. So while she is freaking and going to a temple he is salvaging what he can. He deserves a wish
simplely for not throttling the newbie... he is just that kind of guy.
Urd shows up while he is reviewing a few scenes to review what some random parts he needs to replace looked like accuratedly.... Urd pops out of the TV and
manages to knock stuff over... the guy responds by questioning calmly 1) Is she a Goddess?, 2) Did she intend to knock over stuff?, 3) did she just alter his
tapes?, 4) What the Yggdrasil (not by name) has against him? After all is keeps sending goddess to break his stuff by default.... which eventually brings up
Why? Why is the universal operating system braking his tuff so much, in such blatantly unignorable manners? This sends Urd on a quest to figure out Why? She
is the System Operator and this is literally the kind of thing its her job to prevent from happening... which means Urd spends much of her time
orchastraighting the things to fix the system and track down the Bug (its fast stealthly and strangely fixated on annoying the the hell out of this one human
by messing with his EPIC model).
Skuld attempted to gate into the house, to smite the mortal who dared cause emotional stress to a goddess, only there was no hot water in the immediate area.
So she targeted the nearest source... which ends up being the tea a creepy, old, rich, cat lady was serving to some of her cats... she ends up faced with a
choice of bludgeoning the random mortal (which is probably at least near Fall worthy as an action) or giving in to joining the cat laden tea party, at least
until she can get a clear shot at escaping. The cats are apparently old hat at these tea parties and it takes her a hour or so to escape... she chooses the
next closest source of hot water... which puts her into an equally creepy, rich, old, cat lady's teaparty. this process repeats (with each house
containing yet another creepy, old, rich, cat lady of at least the same level of creepiness... some are even worse) until she completes the loop of 8
properties surrounding the target's house... The next day she tries the next ring out... she gets roped into spending time with an old lady that is very
lonely... an spends hours learning about the ladies once large now dead family... with picture albums and slide shows... this is all a lot less creepy, but a
lot more time consuming. For added fun, the almighty decides that as long as Skuld is not debugging and on Earth anyway she might as well officially take this
as her job. Its mostly to make her learn to deal with mortals as people... though she just doesn't catch on contiously. (This is a good chance to write
up How this person ended up stories for random characters... as long as you ban the Ranma 1/2 cast... then it will just be a badly, written bashfest)
So this guy is now a charged with divine magic remnants... and so is his house. This attracts the wrong kind of attention... which show up to investigate.
They quickly discover this guy is obsessed with this Epic model. That Heaven apparently attacked it and this guy isn't really worth trying to convert, he
is already prime to go darkside... and that model is something they all plan on stealing when he finishes anyway. It is an EPIC model. The demon tells his
allies about it... so they go to investigate things. Which attracts the other side. Which causes exactly the same kind of response in them... only its
diligence, not obsession and they are going to come view it instead of stealing it.
So now its a supernatural hot spot... sometimes the side fight... occasionally they keep breaking the seal on the clean room or damaged the model with blunt
impact trauma.... which he yells at them for and goes back to repairing/continuing it. starting a fight inside will get you sealed/smacked around/demoted...
so they trash the yard instead... he lets them fix stuff... except the model.
So all this activity has left dwelling with all sorts of random kibble of divine and infernal origin laying around... which he quietly claims as salvage and
spare parts. Magic stuffs are stronger than he can find materials for reasonably priced... or unreasonably really. So he starts accidentally enchanting the
thing. Which makes it even more EPIC... and there is so much random magic floating around by this point that no one really notices.
A week or two later Keichi and Belldandy drive up to the guy's house (they end up in a race in the area or a mechanics convention or something) and from
here you can have the guy do a run down on things, from his side. From here you can write the fallout of the Bugged destructive wish.. which may or may not
allow the distraught goddess to try and make things up to him...