Quote: Your typical Barrayan jock is a chauvisnistic/xeno-mutaphobe.Thank the Cetas for a lot of that. They invaded Barrayar -- with Komarran help, and after Komarr had been strangling
Barrayar's trade for decades, so the Komarrans deserved to be invaded in their turn -- spent twenty years and 5 million Barrayaran lives
trying to turn Barrayar into a Cetagandan fiefdom and source of material for genetic manipulation projects, and nuked a promising city of half a million
people. Any culture that wasn't at least a bit xenophobic after that, I'd call pathologically easy-going. And the Cetas' taste for
genetic experiments probably contributed to Barrayaran mutaphobia, although it certainly didn't create it.
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.