Dr. Manhatten studied the apparatus carefully. If he was correct, the energies in the apparatus would create a wormhole in spacetime. It was a pity that
they'd also prevent any direct observation of the phenomenon, but by carefully observing the effects he . . .
He hadn't expected a young girl to casually step out of an energy field capable of vaporising Iridium. Blonde, fairly pretty, maybe 11 or 12 years old.
She looked up at the single most recognisible person in the world.
"Hi, who're you? I'm Astra. Astra Furst. What happened to your clothes?"
(In case onyone doesn't know, "Astro City")
they'd also prevent any direct observation of the phenomenon, but by carefully observing the effects he . . .
He hadn't expected a young girl to casually step out of an energy field capable of vaporising Iridium. Blonde, fairly pretty, maybe 11 or 12 years old.
She looked up at the single most recognisible person in the world.
"Hi, who're you? I'm Astra. Astra Furst. What happened to your clothes?"
(In case onyone doesn't know, "Astro City")