Well to be fair to gunslinger girl, for an experimantal, illegal, top-secret medical procedure it works remarkably well and you can get a few years of work out
of them before the sideeffects reach a fatal level, this makes it about on par with a lung or intestine transplant, a little worse, but then the procedure does
seem a tad more invasive and there is no way a single italian black ops program gets more funding that organ transplantation research.
Add to that the girls ussualy get shot at and have other risk factors, a three year avarage lifespan in the organisation is a miracle.
It even makes some sense to only have prepubescent girls considering they are mucking around with the brain, and brain chemistry does undergo changes during
puberty, and the brains of boys and girls do have some differences. sure it is a handwave, but not an outragues one.
I imagine escaping from the organization would lead to a swift and painfull death as the girl starts undergoing withdrawal for all the drugs they where on and
start suffering from the effects that the drugs where supposed to suppress, such as anti-rejection drugs.
And in Noir's defense, I like it so it must be good, since my taste is impeccable. You may now grovel before me mortal.
As for how to cross the two over, well;
1) Noir are technically criminals, possibly terrorist considering some of the shenanigans they pull, the GG's might be sent in to stop them in the
permanent fashion.
2) A former handler might be sufficiently disgusted by what goes on that he hires Noir to take out critical parts of the organization.
3) They might just run into each other, running gun battles as happen in both series are not exactly subtle and if one was going on nearby both Noir and the GG
would of course be involved.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
of them before the sideeffects reach a fatal level, this makes it about on par with a lung or intestine transplant, a little worse, but then the procedure does
seem a tad more invasive and there is no way a single italian black ops program gets more funding that organ transplantation research.
Add to that the girls ussualy get shot at and have other risk factors, a three year avarage lifespan in the organisation is a miracle.
It even makes some sense to only have prepubescent girls considering they are mucking around with the brain, and brain chemistry does undergo changes during
puberty, and the brains of boys and girls do have some differences. sure it is a handwave, but not an outragues one.
I imagine escaping from the organization would lead to a swift and painfull death as the girl starts undergoing withdrawal for all the drugs they where on and
start suffering from the effects that the drugs where supposed to suppress, such as anti-rejection drugs.
And in Noir's defense, I like it so it must be good, since my taste is impeccable. You may now grovel before me mortal.

As for how to cross the two over, well;
1) Noir are technically criminals, possibly terrorist considering some of the shenanigans they pull, the GG's might be sent in to stop them in the
permanent fashion.
2) A former handler might be sufficiently disgusted by what goes on that he hires Noir to take out critical parts of the organization.
3) They might just run into each other, running gun battles as happen in both series are not exactly subtle and if one was going on nearby both Noir and the GG
would of course be involved.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."