Anything in old world of darkness, anyway. The new world of darkness is a lot more about various bizarre critters trying to live out their lives in a chaotic
and somewhat violent world and a lot less about "Everything even remotely good is constantly losing on all fronts, there are no heroes, and the world is
swift approaching its inevitable and horrible end. The only real question is which unstoppable apocalyptic destruction of everything that you have ever loved
gets here first. Oh, and there is no hope."
I don't know if it quite belongs, but...
Things are... quiet in Gotham. Too quiet. The Joker has been out on his own recognizance for months, and nothing has happened. Nothing so far as the Bat can
see, in any case. Really, the Joker has been exploring a new hobby - the theatre. At first, the theatre seemd boring, even trite. None of the plays really
*spoke* to him - but then he found one that did, and it all began to make sense again. He's been off by himself - reading it, commiting it to memory,
seeking to understand it in every detail for a while now, and now he thinks he understands its genius in full. He wants to share it with the world. The Joker
is putting on a play.
The Joker is putting on a play called "The King In Yellow".
Gotham will never be the same again.
and somewhat violent world and a lot less about "Everything even remotely good is constantly losing on all fronts, there are no heroes, and the world is
swift approaching its inevitable and horrible end. The only real question is which unstoppable apocalyptic destruction of everything that you have ever loved
gets here first. Oh, and there is no hope."
I don't know if it quite belongs, but...
Things are... quiet in Gotham. Too quiet. The Joker has been out on his own recognizance for months, and nothing has happened. Nothing so far as the Bat can
see, in any case. Really, the Joker has been exploring a new hobby - the theatre. At first, the theatre seemd boring, even trite. None of the plays really
*spoke* to him - but then he found one that did, and it all began to make sense again. He's been off by himself - reading it, commiting it to memory,
seeking to understand it in every detail for a while now, and now he thinks he understands its genius in full. He wants to share it with the world. The Joker
is putting on a play.
The Joker is putting on a play called "The King In Yellow".
Gotham will never be the same again.