Speaking just for myself?
Um, no.
Not only no, but "Dear sweet god, man, what the fuck are you smoking, Hunter S Thompson's Special Reserve?!"
It seriously is a case of thinking it'd be nicer/more interesting to be a hot chick than 'me, over there', or - at least for me - even than some idealized guy. Especially with the sex, thanks kindly. Nothing to do with any kind of pretentious crypto-depowerment subtext of any sort.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Speaking just for myself?
Um, no.
Not only no, but "Dear sweet god, man, what the fuck are you smoking, Hunter S Thompson's Special Reserve?!"
It seriously is a case of thinking it'd be nicer/more interesting to be a hot chick than 'me, over there', or - at least for me - even than some idealized guy. Especially with the sex, thanks kindly. Nothing to do with any kind of pretentious crypto-depowerment subtext of any sort.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."