I wasn't thinking 'pretentious' reasons... I was thinking back on a decade of reading fanfiction/webcomics. Sure, sure "Hoorah for
boobies!" factors in at some level... but suddenly ending up a girl gets only 3 responses from the character: 1) Meh, wasn't involved in romance
anyway, 2) pokes self in chest until someone else smacks them for it (often the normally female friend of either the character or the inserted), 3) complete
freak out.
Now if we are talking why the Japanese seem to run into this issue in fiction so often the main reason is easy. The Japanese males tend to be scummy in
relation to females. I mean to the level that the woman in Japan have force segregated train cars so they can ride without getting groped. This is fact. One
main plot of Ranma 1/2 was all about an ubermanly guy type learning how the women got treated in Japan. Ever notice how the guy with the flock of girls after
him is the guy who isn't scum? That would be the reason... he isn't scum.
Gender bending is about sex roles. Its about learning how the other side ticks.... its about watching people be really, really uncomfortable and trying to
adapt. Its usually about teaching someone to look at things a different way. People tend not to react like the guy that woke up a giant beetle in that Kafka
story... a change of that level gets to people or they just seem... inhuman.
Yes, fan service gets is there to make you pay attention longer... but its icing, not the cake. But declaring me a drugged out madman... your going to you
know... give me a group of examples that support your claim. Otherwise I'm just going to write you off as someone with an inability to see past the icing
to tell if the 'cake' is styrofoam or chocolate.
boobies!" factors in at some level... but suddenly ending up a girl gets only 3 responses from the character: 1) Meh, wasn't involved in romance
anyway, 2) pokes self in chest until someone else smacks them for it (often the normally female friend of either the character or the inserted), 3) complete
freak out.
Now if we are talking why the Japanese seem to run into this issue in fiction so often the main reason is easy. The Japanese males tend to be scummy in
relation to females. I mean to the level that the woman in Japan have force segregated train cars so they can ride without getting groped. This is fact. One
main plot of Ranma 1/2 was all about an ubermanly guy type learning how the women got treated in Japan. Ever notice how the guy with the flock of girls after
him is the guy who isn't scum? That would be the reason... he isn't scum.
Gender bending is about sex roles. Its about learning how the other side ticks.... its about watching people be really, really uncomfortable and trying to
adapt. Its usually about teaching someone to look at things a different way. People tend not to react like the guy that woke up a giant beetle in that Kafka
story... a change of that level gets to people or they just seem... inhuman.
Yes, fan service gets is there to make you pay attention longer... but its icing, not the cake. But declaring me a drugged out madman... your going to you
know... give me a group of examples that support your claim. Otherwise I'm just going to write you off as someone with an inability to see past the icing
to tell if the 'cake' is styrofoam or chocolate.