Technically that is already a rule of thumb... I mean its standard practice that if nothing else works decapitate it... granted there are annoying things like
the paladin crazy species of a certain club owner... but in general life without a head isn't.
You're all missing something important here... a canon of BTVS rule.
You could get away with making Xander an Immortal and not having him notice. Happens during one of those random times he gets knocked out.... make it say...
like Buffy during her first death... just dead enough to set off the trigger. It could even be that he just got hit so many times in a way that his heart
skipped a beat and his breath was taken away... magic flying everywhere. The trigger half activated. He heals a bit faster and will survive being run through
etc.. but no one even notices.
Turns out that because he was born and raised on the Hellmout of all Hellmouths and that had side effects. The largest of which is the 'I'm someone
who actively and knowingly lives on the bloody Mouth of Hell' vibe completely overwhelms the unfed Quickening within him. This explains a lot of things...
like why his Halloween costome stuck so well... Quickening declare "Hmm... tastes like absorbing someones quickening... feels about right... Has lots of
random bits of memories of random military people and not just one guy, must be Quickening, I guess"... decided the same with the Hyena spirit... and the
Hoard of dark magic (Dracula's Igor rays, standing in the way of Willow torching the planet, etc..) and of course channeling the First slayer through him
to fight Adam. Not to mention all the random demon blood he has had on him... basically the Quickening of Alexander Harris has absorbed everything, but actual
Quickenings... including parts the energies of Goodness and Evil involved in that 'Destory the biggest baddest Mouth of Hell on the Planet, ever" as
well as helping raise a dead woman and casting a global (as in planet wide effect) effect spell that screwed up a millenium old spell of Epic proportions.
This weird vibe of Xander's is about a third of what attracts all these nonhuman women to him.
You wouldn't even have to really change anything in the actual series... except Anya doesn't get randomly offed during that last episode for added and
mostly pointless angst. Though I want to keep her around for one joke mainly. The two of them are in a car somewhere which breaks down and they have to push
it into a podunk town in the middle of Nowhere. Turns out the mechanic (Anya is already freaking about the clear but unavoidable overcharge they know is
coming), is the Sweeny Todd of Mechanic, he kills off random passers through puts the car in the junk yard in the back and gives the remains to the local
reastarnnt owner. Only he goes for Xander first... who manages to evade long enough to get his trunk open and gets his battle axe to deal with the killing
grease monkey. The way he keeps shrugging off hits and slavering on forward, Xander decides its a demon of some random type and just takes his head... which
works... and he goes to tell Anya he won and the body starts glowing behind him and... well after that FX he finds Anya looking shell shocked something about
'All that money wasted on birth control'. She only becomes coherent when she hears the car start up.
Xander found himself suddenly knowing about what is wrong with the car... weirded out he decides to at least try idea that popped into his head and
reconnecting one wire and tightening a few things the car is fine. Takes all of two minutes and no parts. He WAS being ripped off. saving several hundred
bucks snaps Anya out of it. The drive out of the town (a demon town, best to get back up). Xander asks and Anya explains about Immortals... turns out Olaf
was one... which is why he is a Troll god and still around a millenium later. As he is huge, regenerates from two sources, has armored skin, has a torso thick
neck, and is a general combat monster... people just keep banishing him. You'd need a tank division and lots of airstrikes to realistically off him. Its
just not a viable option.
Anya starts to explain to him what the wastie of money thing was... which Xander imediately realizes is a clear description of the series and/or movies...
which he asks about and then Duncan comes up. Which she laughs about because that guy was a magnet for petty 'Justice'... it got to the point it was a
running gag. She show up in person (though it was ranged cursed to start), annoy him (sometimes magic, sometimes she ranted at him) and he eventually seduced
her into going away. Eventually Xander ends up driving to where Duncan is so she can annoy him again...
Duncan (who isn't as pretty and the actor, but ruggedly hansome) responds to her showing up with... 'Oh God, not you again'... for added fun have
Amanda be there. Duncan inquires if they can skip formallities and he can bed her to get rid of her... to which she responds she isn't here for that, is
retired, and Xander is better in bed anyway. The conversation goes on for a while and Duncan ends explaining that the show is because of the rule below. They
bond over it... Meanwhile Amanda is trying to get Anya to prove Xander is better and is starting with negotiations for personal evaluation time.
That rule I keep mentioning? Dracula is a wanker. Dracula is a massive wanker. Dracula is the kind of wanker who became immune to normal vampiric
weaknesses... then celibrated by having a book written that 1: Proclaimed him awesome and 2: reveal all his species weakness and vulnrabilities to the world in
a popular novel... so he can laugh at them. Not to mention that 3) Dracula is happy to be an active wanker. So I can see Dracula being behind the Highlander
series... solely to annoy Duncan... because Duncan beat him in a poker game. That Dracula made Xander Igor around and eat bugs makes them have a bonding
point. Then the bit about how Dracula owes not only Duncan, but Spike cash and what the hell happened in Sundale lake and Spike's new job and species.
The reason Xander's eye won't regrow is two fold. 1) Despites lots and lots of trying Xander hasn't actually died yet. 2) Can be best summed up
as damage reduction. If its not magic or has less magic than the Immortal they fast heal and regenerate the damage... once the magic starts getting
involved... being Immortals isn't as cool as in the series. Random grunt vampires have higher damage reduction than you... everything can own you... at
least until you gain enough Quickening to get a higher damage reduction yourself. Which is the point of the basis for the 'Game' in the show.
Being an Immortal kind of sucks for most.Immortals... you ability to live through horrible damage and regenerate parts... Immortal blood is yummy, their hearts
are both yummy and a really valuable reagent, and most Immortals are lucky to be tormented and not nailed to a table as a convient source of goods. The
Immortals version of Watchers? They are more like bookies and score keepers. Methos HTAES the series... being several thousand years old means his blood is
rumored to be how Kalisto (the 700 year old vampire that chased Faith into Sunnydale) got that powerful and that was from one single partial feeding. The only
things he'll admit to HTAENIG more than that show is the company that holds the Methos Hunting Safaries Inc. company the show started.
The reason Xander's eye hasn't even started healing at all is that the High Priest of the First Evil was the owner of simple obsenely damage reduction
and put a curse of rotting on Xander... with got swallowed up Hellmouth energies he is soaked with or he would have probablely rotted alive into a undead
servitor. The dieing and becoming a full Immortal won't help with that and only a obscenely powerful magic user has a chance to sort said curse out from
the random background radiation of his body. Which brings up Willow and then Buffy and Dawn and then Xander's lifestyle and job... Which Duncan decides to
pity him for... a moment of silence... which means they finally here how the girl's conversation has ended up. Duncan realizes this could mean (if Anya
excepts) that Anya will be renting Xander to those Slayers of mass quantities he mentioned... which is which could be why Xander ends up in Africa.
Note Xander gets a bigger target on him and the women in his life should deside to become more protective of him... Which keeps him as Fates buttmonkey and
changes little in his life... except the added threats about what they'll do to him if he suddenly stops again. They shouldn't believe him (Duncan
will be avoiding England and Cleveland for a while yet), until a Slayer patrol asks what they should do with the heavily armed bus, from MHS Inc. they took
from that group of demons. That they found chasing some random guy (who gt away), who was scream curses at Dracula and Adrien Paul.
the paladin crazy species of a certain club owner... but in general life without a head isn't.
You're all missing something important here... a canon of BTVS rule.
You could get away with making Xander an Immortal and not having him notice. Happens during one of those random times he gets knocked out.... make it say...
like Buffy during her first death... just dead enough to set off the trigger. It could even be that he just got hit so many times in a way that his heart
skipped a beat and his breath was taken away... magic flying everywhere. The trigger half activated. He heals a bit faster and will survive being run through
etc.. but no one even notices.
Turns out that because he was born and raised on the Hellmout of all Hellmouths and that had side effects. The largest of which is the 'I'm someone
who actively and knowingly lives on the bloody Mouth of Hell' vibe completely overwhelms the unfed Quickening within him. This explains a lot of things...
like why his Halloween costome stuck so well... Quickening declare "Hmm... tastes like absorbing someones quickening... feels about right... Has lots of
random bits of memories of random military people and not just one guy, must be Quickening, I guess"... decided the same with the Hyena spirit... and the
Hoard of dark magic (Dracula's Igor rays, standing in the way of Willow torching the planet, etc..) and of course channeling the First slayer through him
to fight Adam. Not to mention all the random demon blood he has had on him... basically the Quickening of Alexander Harris has absorbed everything, but actual
Quickenings... including parts the energies of Goodness and Evil involved in that 'Destory the biggest baddest Mouth of Hell on the Planet, ever" as
well as helping raise a dead woman and casting a global (as in planet wide effect) effect spell that screwed up a millenium old spell of Epic proportions.
This weird vibe of Xander's is about a third of what attracts all these nonhuman women to him.
You wouldn't even have to really change anything in the actual series... except Anya doesn't get randomly offed during that last episode for added and
mostly pointless angst. Though I want to keep her around for one joke mainly. The two of them are in a car somewhere which breaks down and they have to push
it into a podunk town in the middle of Nowhere. Turns out the mechanic (Anya is already freaking about the clear but unavoidable overcharge they know is
coming), is the Sweeny Todd of Mechanic, he kills off random passers through puts the car in the junk yard in the back and gives the remains to the local
reastarnnt owner. Only he goes for Xander first... who manages to evade long enough to get his trunk open and gets his battle axe to deal with the killing
grease monkey. The way he keeps shrugging off hits and slavering on forward, Xander decides its a demon of some random type and just takes his head... which
works... and he goes to tell Anya he won and the body starts glowing behind him and... well after that FX he finds Anya looking shell shocked something about
'All that money wasted on birth control'. She only becomes coherent when she hears the car start up.
Xander found himself suddenly knowing about what is wrong with the car... weirded out he decides to at least try idea that popped into his head and
reconnecting one wire and tightening a few things the car is fine. Takes all of two minutes and no parts. He WAS being ripped off. saving several hundred
bucks snaps Anya out of it. The drive out of the town (a demon town, best to get back up). Xander asks and Anya explains about Immortals... turns out Olaf
was one... which is why he is a Troll god and still around a millenium later. As he is huge, regenerates from two sources, has armored skin, has a torso thick
neck, and is a general combat monster... people just keep banishing him. You'd need a tank division and lots of airstrikes to realistically off him. Its
just not a viable option.
Anya starts to explain to him what the wastie of money thing was... which Xander imediately realizes is a clear description of the series and/or movies...
which he asks about and then Duncan comes up. Which she laughs about because that guy was a magnet for petty 'Justice'... it got to the point it was a
running gag. She show up in person (though it was ranged cursed to start), annoy him (sometimes magic, sometimes she ranted at him) and he eventually seduced
her into going away. Eventually Xander ends up driving to where Duncan is so she can annoy him again...
Duncan (who isn't as pretty and the actor, but ruggedly hansome) responds to her showing up with... 'Oh God, not you again'... for added fun have
Amanda be there. Duncan inquires if they can skip formallities and he can bed her to get rid of her... to which she responds she isn't here for that, is
retired, and Xander is better in bed anyway. The conversation goes on for a while and Duncan ends explaining that the show is because of the rule below. They
bond over it... Meanwhile Amanda is trying to get Anya to prove Xander is better and is starting with negotiations for personal evaluation time.
That rule I keep mentioning? Dracula is a wanker. Dracula is a massive wanker. Dracula is the kind of wanker who became immune to normal vampiric
weaknesses... then celibrated by having a book written that 1: Proclaimed him awesome and 2: reveal all his species weakness and vulnrabilities to the world in
a popular novel... so he can laugh at them. Not to mention that 3) Dracula is happy to be an active wanker. So I can see Dracula being behind the Highlander
series... solely to annoy Duncan... because Duncan beat him in a poker game. That Dracula made Xander Igor around and eat bugs makes them have a bonding
point. Then the bit about how Dracula owes not only Duncan, but Spike cash and what the hell happened in Sundale lake and Spike's new job and species.
The reason Xander's eye won't regrow is two fold. 1) Despites lots and lots of trying Xander hasn't actually died yet. 2) Can be best summed up
as damage reduction. If its not magic or has less magic than the Immortal they fast heal and regenerate the damage... once the magic starts getting
involved... being Immortals isn't as cool as in the series. Random grunt vampires have higher damage reduction than you... everything can own you... at
least until you gain enough Quickening to get a higher damage reduction yourself. Which is the point of the basis for the 'Game' in the show.
Being an Immortal kind of sucks for most.Immortals... you ability to live through horrible damage and regenerate parts... Immortal blood is yummy, their hearts
are both yummy and a really valuable reagent, and most Immortals are lucky to be tormented and not nailed to a table as a convient source of goods. The
Immortals version of Watchers? They are more like bookies and score keepers. Methos HTAES the series... being several thousand years old means his blood is
rumored to be how Kalisto (the 700 year old vampire that chased Faith into Sunnydale) got that powerful and that was from one single partial feeding. The only
things he'll admit to HTAENIG more than that show is the company that holds the Methos Hunting Safaries Inc. company the show started.
The reason Xander's eye hasn't even started healing at all is that the High Priest of the First Evil was the owner of simple obsenely damage reduction
and put a curse of rotting on Xander... with got swallowed up Hellmouth energies he is soaked with or he would have probablely rotted alive into a undead
servitor. The dieing and becoming a full Immortal won't help with that and only a obscenely powerful magic user has a chance to sort said curse out from
the random background radiation of his body. Which brings up Willow and then Buffy and Dawn and then Xander's lifestyle and job... Which Duncan decides to
pity him for... a moment of silence... which means they finally here how the girl's conversation has ended up. Duncan realizes this could mean (if Anya
excepts) that Anya will be renting Xander to those Slayers of mass quantities he mentioned... which is which could be why Xander ends up in Africa.
Note Xander gets a bigger target on him and the women in his life should deside to become more protective of him... Which keeps him as Fates buttmonkey and
changes little in his life... except the added threats about what they'll do to him if he suddenly stops again. They shouldn't believe him (Duncan
will be avoiding England and Cleveland for a while yet), until a Slayer patrol asks what they should do with the heavily armed bus, from MHS Inc. they took
from that group of demons. That they found chasing some random guy (who gt away), who was scream curses at Dracula and Adrien Paul.