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DSKS - A Few Thoughts...
DSKS - A Few Thoughts...
This story hasn't lost interest that quickly, has it? I guess I should have started a new thread anyhow.

Got a couple of things I'm tinkering with here.

First one: Rapid Prototyping Machine.

As Zeke's experiments carry him deeper and deeper into strange terrain, I cannot help but think that having one would be useful. It'd be handy enough
just for laying down custom circuit boards (contracting an appropriately equiped fab shop is hideously expensive and practical only if your ordering in huge
numbers). Granted, he can probably get a good deal of stuff taken care of through MITHRIL once he's in their employ, but that's only going to go so
far. So an RPM seems like the most economical solution so far...

Second: POV Shifts

About a week ago I finished reading through Stefen Gagne's Sailor Nothing and it reminded me of something about his particular style that he
excells at - the Roving 1st Person POV. At this time, I'm working on the writing (scene of Rei's first meeting with Zeke, from Rei's POV - nearly
complete) but I've got a corner of my mind dedicated to figuring out how I would present something like this that would cause the least amount of

When K.A. Applegate did one of her few Animorph books where the POV shifts, she'd actually head the segment with the character's name. I'd
like to be a bit more subtle, following Twoflower's example of shifting fonts. At the same time, part of me wishes to hold true to the bare-bones
presentation of purists such as the venerable (and sometimes hated) Benjamin Hutchins.

I know that the presentation's a post-production thing, but it's not something I want to wind up stumped on, hence why I give it at least a bit of
thought in the here and now. Thoughts, anyone?

ETA: Some other stuff...

I need to download the last episode or two of Akikan, but I got a pretty solid idea of where things go from Episode 11 with the appearance of the Mixed Juice
Akikan (Think Vampire Akikan - takes the powers of the Akikans she kisses and keeps their cans so she can summon 'zombie' Akikans at will). She'll
be one of the tougher opponents, for certain, and a possible reoccuring villain du jour for a while.

Also, I cannot help but think that the all-too-openly-gay director of the Akikan Elect in that area would be in cahoots (in more ways than one) with our
flamer-whispered. And just for pure brain breakage... Nah, I'll leave this one as a surprise. (^_^)

One final thing, then I'm done for the night...

I finally managed to put a finger on why I don't feel too cozy with the idea of making one of the Chinese Sisters (from FMP) an Akikan. While writing this
fic, I will, understandably, be changing a few things about some of the characters to make things fit better. Something that I don't like doing, however,
is changing the basic nature of a character. This includes gender orientation and physical nature. The only exceptions I make is where breaking these
conventions is the point of the story. Age and circumstances are somethings I'm willing to change - Sakura will be well aged by the time we see her as an
active player in our story, but I have my limits in what I wish to change and I will excercise them.

Thank you kindly, though, for your input. It has been trully invaluable and has given me a wealth of material to work with. By all means, do keep the
suggestions coming - I'm just going to be more selective in what I decide to use. I may even pick and choose bits and pieces rather than entire ideas (Egg
Shen: "Like your salad bar here - we pick what we like and leave all the rest!").

Messages In This Thread
DSKS - A Few Thoughts... - by Black Aeronaut - 07-09-2009, 03:27 PM
[No subject] - by robkelk - 07-10-2009, 02:05 AM
[No subject] - by Black Aeronaut - 07-10-2009, 05:42 AM
[No subject] - by happerry - 07-10-2009, 09:44 AM

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