I forgot the name of the fic, but it was one of those SW/ST crossovers, complete with the stupidly over-powered Warsies-to-Trekkies thing. It involved a
pairing of Luke Skywalker and 7 of 9.
The ridiculously powered up Warsies I could live with. But what killed it for me was when the author drops us into the Evangelion Zone by steadily killing off
virtually every one of the characters I do so love, starting off with Deanna Troi (at least that's the one that sticks out the most as the first). I
finally stopped reading it after this guy blew away the Delta Flier with Tom Paris on board (and a few others I don't really recall right off) and blows up
Coruscant. Like, have a steaming plate of angst, yo!
pairing of Luke Skywalker and 7 of 9.
The ridiculously powered up Warsies I could live with. But what killed it for me was when the author drops us into the Evangelion Zone by steadily killing off
virtually every one of the characters I do so love, starting off with Deanna Troi (at least that's the one that sticks out the most as the first). I
finally stopped reading it after this guy blew away the Delta Flier with Tom Paris on board (and a few others I don't really recall right off) and blows up
Coruscant. Like, have a steaming plate of angst, yo!