The people that Asuna would have the most problems with are: Subaru, Ginga, Stratos and Vivio. In no particular order. The first two for their skills and their
unique abilities that can overcome an AMF. The latter two for their skills and the liklihood that they could overwhelm an AMF if suitably motivated.
Actually. Throw Nove in there too. If only because she's basically Scaglietti's attempt to replicate the operational parameters of the original pair of
Nakajima Sisters.
EDIT: As for 'Why would these people be fighting each other anyway?' Well, several members of this group in particular are members of the
'Friendship is reenforced by beating the crap out of one another' school of interpersonal relations.
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
unique abilities that can overcome an AMF. The latter two for their skills and the liklihood that they could overwhelm an AMF if suitably motivated.
Actually. Throw Nove in there too. If only because she's basically Scaglietti's attempt to replicate the operational parameters of the original pair of
Nakajima Sisters.
EDIT: As for 'Why would these people be fighting each other anyway?' Well, several members of this group in particular are members of the
'Friendship is reenforced by beating the crap out of one another' school of interpersonal relations.
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead