Right. Asuna seems to stop magic from acting directly against her but it doesn't seem to stop magic in general. Since Stratos and Vivio both use magic to
physically enhance themselves for more "oomph" to their strike arts, doesn't seem like something Asuna could stop. In a sense, that part of their
magic usage is just like using ki.
Agreed re: Vita and Signum. If nothing else, they're good melee fighters and have physical weapons. Like Vivio and Stratos, they also use magic to
physically enhance themselves.
Also, Asuna and company regularly train against each other in Eva's resort. It might just be sparring practice.
physically enhance themselves for more "oomph" to their strike arts, doesn't seem like something Asuna could stop. In a sense, that part of their
magic usage is just like using ki.
Agreed re: Vita and Signum. If nothing else, they're good melee fighters and have physical weapons. Like Vivio and Stratos, they also use magic to
physically enhance themselves.
Also, Asuna and company regularly train against each other in Eva's resort. It might just be sparring practice.