Category: Naruto
Title: Regrets
Chapter: 9
Summary: After twelve years, Kushina returns to Konoha to meet the son that
she left behind. Sequel to Promises. AU. Rated for language.
Category: Naruto
Title: Livewire
Chapter: 5
Rating: Fiction Rated: M
Summary: The difference between Love and True Love isn't much... except for
that 'Even Unto Death' part. Naruto, caught between love, death and his team,
can't decide which is the most vexing. Not yaoi.
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
Title: Regrets
Chapter: 9
Summary: After twelve years, Kushina returns to Konoha to meet the son that
she left behind. Sequel to Promises. AU. Rated for language.
Category: Naruto
Title: Livewire
Chapter: 5
Rating: Fiction Rated: M
Summary: The difference between Love and True Love isn't much... except for
that 'Even Unto Death' part. Naruto, caught between love, death and his team,
can't decide which is the most vexing. Not yaoi.
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.