Yes, I really liked the hero's response. Realistic, gentlemanly and strong (takes fortitude to control like that)
A funny thing is that I've been in similar situations myself (the inadvertant exposure bit, not the superhuman alien from another dimension bit) and reacted similarly and it's always resulted in the lady in question being more insulted in my lack of overt response, than their being embarrased at being seen.
I often wonder if it's a cultural thing - in anime they always show the women acting as if all men are preverts and dying of embarasment in situations like that (before attempting to kill said guy) - but my experience in the past is that acting polite and unaffected by 'accidents' results in more elaborate setups and 'accidents' that are increasingly harder to avoid and not cause offense. They also attract threats from jealous boyfriends and are general huge pain in the arse, until the girls find something else to pester or the guy lets one of them count coup - at least in western culture.
One of my 'girl-who-was-a-friend' told me back then that a 'real gentleman who isn't gay' is like a challenge to girls who are used to getting reactions. Something about a challenge to their sexuality plus the added bonus of being 'safe'. Besides being gentlemanly and shy I'm in a wheelchair - so they were in a 'physically superior' position, similar to the 'hero' vs all the superwomen he's getting dumped next to.
She claimed the first one to catch the guy out wins big 'woman points' or some such. Of course she was probably bulldusting but... I spent most of the last of my year of highschool hiding in the libary to avoid the insanity...
Despite the fact that the hero in this story is operating in 'anime' universes, it's been shown the worlds he's shifting through are much more 'real'. I wonder if his 'heroic yet gentlemanly behaviour that still appreciates a woman' is going to wind him up in a serious problem...
A funny thing is that I've been in similar situations myself (the inadvertant exposure bit, not the superhuman alien from another dimension bit) and reacted similarly and it's always resulted in the lady in question being more insulted in my lack of overt response, than their being embarrased at being seen.
I often wonder if it's a cultural thing - in anime they always show the women acting as if all men are preverts and dying of embarasment in situations like that (before attempting to kill said guy) - but my experience in the past is that acting polite and unaffected by 'accidents' results in more elaborate setups and 'accidents' that are increasingly harder to avoid and not cause offense. They also attract threats from jealous boyfriends and are general huge pain in the arse, until the girls find something else to pester or the guy lets one of them count coup - at least in western culture.
One of my 'girl-who-was-a-friend' told me back then that a 'real gentleman who isn't gay' is like a challenge to girls who are used to getting reactions. Something about a challenge to their sexuality plus the added bonus of being 'safe'. Besides being gentlemanly and shy I'm in a wheelchair - so they were in a 'physically superior' position, similar to the 'hero' vs all the superwomen he's getting dumped next to.
She claimed the first one to catch the guy out wins big 'woman points' or some such. Of course she was probably bulldusting but... I spent most of the last of my year of highschool hiding in the libary to avoid the insanity...
Despite the fact that the hero in this story is operating in 'anime' universes, it's been shown the worlds he's shifting through are much more 'real'. I wonder if his 'heroic yet gentlemanly behaviour that still appreciates a woman' is going to wind him up in a serious problem...