Hrm... Dunno. The situations seem to get progressively more dangerous as he goes along until he cycles back again. While it has its dangers, the people at NERV don't hold a candle to Jail Scaglietti and the Numbers. Although the danger level picks up considerably once an Angel shows up.
There must be other anime featuring something akin to VW-sized computers. And personally, I think the Magi were bigger - IIRC, they extended several decks below the 'top-deck.'
EDIT: *Looks at three recent posts and whaps his hand over his face* Fer cryin' out loud... I'm just a model of indecision, aren't I? Three posts leading off with 'Dunno'!
There must be other anime featuring something akin to VW-sized computers. And personally, I think the Magi were bigger - IIRC, they extended several decks below the 'top-deck.'
EDIT: *Looks at three recent posts and whaps his hand over his face* Fer cryin' out loud... I'm just a model of indecision, aren't I? Three posts leading off with 'Dunno'!