Quote:Enh. A parody is only funny for a very limited amount of time, unless it's fed new material.Depends on the parody... though I will agree that any show relying on 'current news' for comedy tends to end up near meaningless in 3-5 years. It is possible to make the parody a good show in its own.
As for novel Saito... probably derivative syndrome. I first saw this media disease with Ranma 1/2... which went something like:" Japanese Manga, Japanese fanfiction, Japanese anime... and the English version of fantranslations start up in there somewhere.middle of that. Each version of the character's is a derivative. The most infamous is Akane turning from the kind of girl that habitually provides psychotherapy to whoever kidnapped her... to a derranged, vaguely Akane shaped chatroom banbot. Notable the Kuno family ninja is lifted with permission from a random Japanese fanfic the writer read. There was an epidemic of people writing Ranma fanfics who had never seen an episode... that disturbingly in turn had a pyramid scheme of nth level derivatives. When I bought the first two seasons... I looked up the manga translation as the characters were just that different.
Though my current worst case of this is Rosario X Vampire... in which they took out everything useful (or character developing) for more fanservice. Its a war crime of adaption decay. Did worse things to the show then those 15 minutes of Highlander 2 they edited out for time... which bizarrely contained the entire plot. No I'm not kidding.