Quote:Mr. Granger pushed the subject aside. “Anyway, we came across a tribe of jungle creebs- what you called house elves- and one of them- what was his name, dear?”Obliviate is Never Enough: www.tthfanfic.org/Story-22459-11/joshla ... Enough.htm
“That’s right, Knee Slicer! Anyway, he-”
“Wait, those were the creatures with violent names?” Hermione interrupted incredulously.
“Huh?” Her dad said, “Oh, yeah. Harmless little guys, mostly, but they do love the gore.”
“But all the house elves I know have such cute little names, like Dobby and Winky!” she exclaimed.
Her dad shrugged. “Their full ones are probably something more like Adobinal Gutter and Wind Crusher or Wing Cutter. They like shortening things, in case you hadn’t noticed. That’s actually what screwed us over that time. They told us that they’d seen a strong girl hanging out with the lopes.”
“Antelopes?” Hermione guessed.
“Well, that’s what we thought.”
“How did that, er, screw you over?” Harry asked. Ron was privately trying to figure out what all the other houses elves were really named.
“They meant lupes.” Mrs. Granger said flatly. “As in, canis lupus, or in our case, daemonium lupum.”
"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV