Quote:"Bender doesn't know who Kira is?" Hermes cried uponFrom Programs of a Lesser God, chapter 2.
overhearing the conversation as he walked by. He was a few minutes ahead
of his deadline, so he decided he could stop for a few minutes to help
the Professor better inform Bender.
"Oh, jeez," Bender whined.
was a important spiritual leader during the twenty first century who
rid the world of crime, war, and taught us how to love again," the
Professor explained.
"So, this guy was basically the Jesus of the twenty first century?" asked Bender.
shouted Hermes, "Except instead of using kindness and carpentry to
bring the world together, he chose murder and malice!"
"Like a true American hero!" added the Professor.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.