Quote:I must be missing something, since "Dance Dance Revolution cloning spell" can't be right.Your not actually missing what you think your missing. You got the reference, but not the methodology. You have to remember that I made a Battle Chest/fighting game combo in the previous paragraph. Not that I know if anyone but me remembers that game.
DDR is a rythem game. You hit keys, button, or footpads at the right time, in the right order so that the correct arrow is hit as the arrow passes through corrosponding arrow outline. Your constantly graded on ability and get real time feed back. Then it gives you a grade for the song.
A clone spell means that its a spell that does basically the same thing. As wands aren't allow to manipulation the ingredients (random magic addittive is bad in potions), except as the occasional stirring device... I felt using a pad/guitar to manipulate ingredients would insta-fail Ronma here. While the DDR clone spell say as the output of a magic book, would just be legit enough to frustrate Snape. Potions is basically a rhythm game with ingredient prep.