Quote:only to end up getting sucked right back an hour later when the power comes back on.
... That doesn't make sense.
I kind of don't like interpreting Asuna's ability in a way that makes too many things easy for her. It's... boring. (And I still feel like I remember seeing a time in the manga where magic did work on her in a way other than clothing-related.)
As for Chao's plan, I'd been wondering if (rot13 for Nanoha A's ending spoilers) Punb vf gelvat gb fcrrq hc gur pbzcyrgvba bs gur Obbx bs Qnexarff, fb gung gurer'f n punapr bs svkvat guvatf orsber Gubfr Gjb Wrexf pna uvg Unlngr'f Orefrex Ohggba.
Zbfgyl orpnhfr V nyfb unq na vqrn gung vaibyirq fbzrbar frpergyl pbagnpgvat gur Jbyxraevggre naq urycvat gurz trg raretl gung bguref qvqa'g xabj nobhg. Naq orpnhfr Ervasbepr vf n tbbq tvey naq V'q yvxr gb frr n fgbel jurer gurl pna fnir ure fbzrgvzr.
-Morgan. If you're playing an rpg, and encounter a wild Jbyxraevggre? Run!